
GET /orders/{ordernum}

Summary Get detailed information about a specific order
URL /api/v1/orders/{ordernum}
Request Parameters
  • ordernum - the order number of the order to retrieve
Detailed Description

Use this method to retrieve information about an order. The data will be returned as JSON or XML, depending on Accept header or URL extension. See below for an annotated example of a response order entity.

Order Status Description
Complete The order is complete. All attachments are available for download. Notifications will be sent. This is a terminal state.*
*Unless manually re-opened for quality control purposes
Canceled The order was canceled. This is a terminal state.

Other order status values are possible. However, only Complete and Canceled are guaranteed not to change in v1 of the API.

Request Headers
  • Authorization - contains client/user API keys
  • Accept - indicates the format in which the response should be delivered. Must be application/json, application/xml, or text/xml
Response On success, 200 OK.
If the order with given order number is not found, 404 Not Found.
Response Headers None
Response Body On success, an <order/> entity with the details about the order. On error, empty.
Error Codes None
Deliverable Type The following are a list of possible deliverable type values based on what was ordered:
  • transcript - Human transcripts for transcription orders
  • instant_first_draft - Instant first draft AI transcripts for transcription orders
  • ai_transcript - AI transcripts for AI transcription orders
  • legal_ready_to_certify - Legal Ready to Certify transcripts for legal transcription orders
  • legal_human_rough_draft - Legal Human Rough Draft transcripts for legal transcription orders
  • legal_ai_rough_draft - Legal AI Rough Draft transcripts for legal transcription orders
  • caption - Human captions for caption orders
  • burned_in_caption - Burned in captions for caption orders
  • subtitle - Foreign language subtitles for caption orders
  • ai_caption - AI captions for AI caption orders
  • Annotated sample transcription order response
        /* Rev assigned order number */
        "order_number": "TC432432",
        /* Client reference order number provided with the order request */
        "client_ref": "6",
        /* PO, Project, or Department provided with the order request */
        "po_number": "sampleponumber",
        /* Total cost of the order */
        "price": 56,
        /* When the order was placed, in UTC */
        "placed_on": "2003-04-05T12:20:30.123Z",
        /* When the entire order was delivered, in UTC */
        "delivered_on": "2003-04-06T12:20:30.123Z",
        /* Status of the order */
        "status": "Complete",
            Total length of the audio in media attachments 
            for the order and additional services.
        "transcription": {
            "total_length_seconds": 300,
            "verbatim": true,
            "timestamps": false
        "attachments": [
                /* attachment kind */
                "kind": "media",
                /* name for the attachment */
                "name": "VoiceRecording.mp3",
                /* id for the attachment */
                "id": "1C4AA80F4000000001000000F2EED32A3DD4775B1B0",
                "links": [
                            link with URL of the resource 
                            for getting attachment content
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/1C4AA"
                /* attachment kind */
                "kind": "transcript",
                /* name for the attachment */
                "name": "Transcript.docx",
                /* id for the attachment */
                "id": "1C4AA80F4000000001000000F2EED32A3DD4775B1B0",
                /* deliverable type of the attachment */
                "deliverable_type": "transcript",
                "audio_length_seconds": 48,
                "links": [
                        link with URL of the resource 
                        for getting attachment content 
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/1B4AA"
        /* list of comments related to the order */
        "comments": [
                /* who the comment is by */
                "by": "John S.",
                /* when the comment was made, in UTC */
                "timestamp": "2003-04-05T12:20:30.567Z",
                "text": "Please do it quickly"
        <!-- Rev assigned order number -->
        <!-- Client reference order number provided with the order request -->
        <!-- PO, Project, or Department provided with the order request -->
        <!-- Total cost of the order -->
        <!-- When the order was placed, in UTC -->
        <!-- When the entire order was delivered, in UTC -->
        <!-- Status of the order -->
            total length of the audio in media attachments 
            for the order and additional services 
                <!-- attachment kind -->
                <!-- name for the attachment -->
                <!-- id for the attachment -->
                <!-- link with URL of the resource for getting attachment content -->
                <!-- attachment kind -->
                <!-- name for the attachment -->
                <!-- id for the attachment -->
                <!-- deliverable type of the attachment -->
                <!-- link with URL of the resource for getting attachment content -->
        <!-- list of comments related to the order -->
                <!-- who the comment is by -->
                <by>John S.</by>
                <!-- when the comment was made, in UTC -->
                <timestamp>2003-04-05 12:20:30</timestamp>
                <text>Please do it quickly</text>
    Annotated sample caption order response
        /* Rev assigned order number */
        "order_number": "CP432432",
        /* Client reference order number provided with the order request */
        "client_ref": "6",
        /* PO, Project, or Department provided with the order request */
        "po_number": "sampleponumber",
        /* Total cost of the order */
        "price": 56,
        /* When the order was placed, in UTC */
        "placed_on": "2003-04-05T12:20:30.123Z",
        /* Status of the order */
        "status": "Captioning",
        /* total length of the videos included in the order */
        "caption": {
            "total_length_seconds": 300,
        "attachments": [
                /* attachment kind */
                "kind": "media",
                /* name for the attachment */
                "name": "Video.mp4",
                /* id for the attachment */
                "id": "1C4AA80F4000000001000000F2EED32A3DD4775B1B0",
                "links": [
                        link with URL of the resource 
                        for getting attachment content 
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/1C4AA"
                /* attachment kind */
                "kind": "caption",
                /* name for the attachment */
                "name": "Caption.srt",
                /* id for the attachment */
                "id": "1C4AA80F4000000001000000F2EED32A3DD4775B1B0",
                /* deliverable type of the attachment */
                "deliverable_type": "caption",
                "links": [
                        link with URL of the resource 
                        for getting attachment content 
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/1B4AA"
                /* attachment kind for burned-in caption videos */
                "kind": "burnedin",
                /* name for the attachment */
                "name": "Caption.mp4",
                /* id for the attachment */
                "id": "b~AQKhfR8AkCEGMOtQ2AgbbAFC",
                /* deliverable type of the attachment */
                "deliverable_type": "burned_in_caption",
                "links": [
                         link with URL of the resource 
                         for getting attachment content 
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/b~AQKhfR8AkCEGMOtQ2AgbbAFC/content",
                        "content-type": "video/mp4"
        /* list of comments related to the order */
        "comments": [
                /* who the comment is by */
                "by": "John S.",
                /* when the comment was made, in UTC */
                "timestamp": "2003-04-05T12:20:30.123Z",
                "text": "Please do it quickly"
        <!-- Rev assigned order number -->
        <!-- Client reference order number provided with the order request -->
        <!-- PO, Project, or Department provided with the order request -->
        <!-- Total cost of the order -->
        <!-- When the order was placed, in UTC -->
        <!-- Status of the order -->
        <!-- total length of the videos included in the order -->
                <!-- attachment kind -->
                <!-- name for the attachment -->
                <!-- id for the attachment -->
                <!-- link with URL of the resource for getting attachment content -->
                <!-- attachment kind -->
                <!-- name for the attachment -->
                <!-- id for the attachment -->
                <!-- deliverable type of the attachment -->
                <!-- link with URL of the resource for getting attachment content -->
                <!-- attachment kind for burned-in caption videos -->
                <!-- name for the attachment -->
                <!-- id for the attachment -->
                <!-- link with URL of the resource for getting attachment content -->
                <!-- deliverable type of the attachment -->
                   href="https://api.rev.com/api/v1/attachments/b~AQKhfR8AkCEGMOtQ2AgbbAFC/content" content-type="video/mp4"/>
        <!-- list of comments related to the order -->
                <!-- who the comment is by -->
                <by>John S.</by>
                <!-- when the comment was made, in UTC -->
                <timestamp>2003-04-05 12:20:30</timestamp>
                <text>Please do it quickly</text>