Unite And Win Rally in Phoenix AZ 8/14/22 Transcript

Unite And Win Rally in Phoenix AZ 8/14/22 Transcript

Full Unite And Win Rally from Phoenix AZ on 8/14/22. Read the transcript here.

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Speaker 3: (00:14) (singing) Speaker 1: (28:25) Please rise and remove your hats for the singing of the national anthem. Speaker 2: (29:45) ( singing) Speaker 4: (30:57) Hey, everybody. Would you please stand and join me in the pledge of allegiance, please? Speaker 5: (31:00) ... The pledge of allegiance, please. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Let us open with a prayer. Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for bringing us together. Thank you for the creation of this great nation we call America. Thank you for our home Arizona. Thank you for the blessings of Liberty. We ask that you watch over us gathered here today, and those watching from afar. Speaker 5: (31:45) We ask that you place a hedge of protection around our families here tonight and as they travel home, our children, the most precious gift you can give us, protect them, guide them and show them the way that they should go. I ask that you protect the candidates and elected officials here today and their families as they take on this monumental task assigned by you. Give them the wisdom to do right, and the discernment to make the right decisions for our land. Watch over our military and brave first responders. Please continue to bless our land and our people. We ask this all in your mighty name. Amen. Tyler Bowyer: (32:35) Hey, everybody, how are we doing? I said, how are we doing? Well, welcome back to Arizona Financial Theatre. Once upon a time, Arizona Federal Theatre, once upon a time Comerica Theater, for those of us that are really old, like you guys with the white hair right here. Yeah, you Dodge Theatre. Right? I don't know what it was before that. We are so excited to be back here. It was about a year ago that we hosted Donald J. Trump. If you were here for that, give me a shout out for that last year. About half. Yeah. All right. It was a great time. I think he was really surprised to hear about a little lady named Kari Lake and he heard everybody screaming her name and he was like, "I'm going to endorse that girl," and he did. Here we are here later, and August 2nd was a pretty dang good day, right? So my name's Tyler Bowyer. I'm the chief operating officer for Turning Point Action. Tyler Bowyer: (33:52) I'm also the Republican National Committeeman for Arizona. I like to think of myself, I'm not only one of the youngest guys on the Republican National Committee, but I'm the most conservative, and so not everybody likes me over there. They're going to learn to like it. We have quite the show here for you today. We have a lot of special guests, some people I wanted to bring out here in our pre-program before we got things going, but before we get everything started, we wanted to frame what today's all about. It's really uniting everyone to win in the state of Arizona. It wasn't that long ago that we had some pretty bad guys that were representing the Republican Party, and we're not going to name names, but we had a state that was in decline for the Republican Party. I think this year, 2022 is going to be the rebirth. We're in the city of Phoenix. It's going to be a real Phoenician year for the Republican Party here in Arizona and Turning Point Action's happy to be supporting that. Tyler Bowyer: (35:08) Not a lot of people know what we do on a day-to-day basis at Turning Point Action, but we are the political arm, the grassroots activism arm of our sister organization Turning Point USA. What we do is two big things: One is, we recruit precinct committeemen to take those spots here in the state, and we actually have a table out front that you can actually start preparing to be a appointee to a precinct committeeman spot in the state of Arizona. The second thing that we do is we get people elected. One of the things that we were proudly doing this August 2nd, was working hard to educate people on candidates, particularly here in Arizona and across the country. Give it up for Charlie. Charlie, who I happened to meet, just it was almost a decade ago. It was about eight years ago that I met and he was an inspiration. He was like an 80-year-old man trapped in a 20-year-old body with his much great knowledge and speaking ability, and he's been able to take the world by storm. Who here is excited to hear from Charlie today? Tyler Bowyer: (36:27) I mentioned I was one of the youngest guys in the Republican National Committee. There's a guy that's just slightly younger than me running for us Senate that's going to be here with us today. His name is Blake Masters. Gosh, it was so cool to have one of the youngest U.S. Senators in history to be right here from the state of Arizona and a true conservative. For those of you, I'm a seventh generation in Arizona and I grew up watching Fox 10. I remember a lady being on there that a lot of us trusted, and her name was Kari Lake. Then not too long ago, she came out and said how much the media was terrible, and that's why she left the industry and now we trust her even more, right? So we're excited to hear from her today. Then lastly, of course, those of you that know the beast of the East, the best governor that we have in the country, we're going to be excited to hear from governor Ron DeSantis. Tyler Bowyer: (37:36) Look, let's make no mistake, today is about winning back Arizona. It's about making sure that crazy people like Katie Hobbs never touch the Governor's Office, totally ill- equipped. So Katie Hobbs, most people don't realize this, she's like the Hillary Clinton of Arizona, except she's worse. She hangs out with Antifa and she supports Biden's economic policy. She's totally ill-equipped, totally-ill equipped to become governor. She has a lot of problems with discrimination and that's one thing to remember. So I want to bring out one of the best voices here to give us a little pump up as we get started here. It's our good friend. You know him From KFYI, James T. Harris. James, come on out. James T. Harris: (38:45) Thank you so much. My name is James T. Harris and my personal pronouns are beautiful man, but you can call me the Ringmaster of the Conservative Circus. It has been an absolute pleasure speaking, talking for the last four years as the morning talk show host for KFYI the last two years. Each and every day I get up and I look at the news and I immediately get depressed, especially for the last two years. Then my job becomes, "What am I going to say? What am I going to do to inform my audience, but also make them laugh?" Because laughter is confidence. Laughter is understanding that, you know what? There's things out there that are bigger than us. Right now, when you look at the news, you can see that the deep state, that the establishment, they're a little bit nervous because their behavior, going and raiding the former president's home, getting out, lying about him, talking about, "He had ... " no, this is great. "He had nuclear papers. They were cooking the nukes right there in Mar-a-Largo." James T. Harris: (40:05) It's patently ridiculous when we see how the media is responding, because of what we know about Hillary Clinton, what we know about the server, what we know about the emails, what we know about Hunter Biden. No longer are God-fearing constitution-loving Americans concerned about anything the mainstream media tells us. There's another reason why the powers that be are very nervous because they saw what happened here in Arizona. Every single person that Trump endorsed won, running away. They believe they can still influence us and tell us what's going on and tell us how to act. They don't realize that things have changed here in the great state of Arizona for the last two years. I'm talking about the local politics, because no matter what happens in Washington, D.C., what happens right here is most important, local, local, local. James T. Harris: (41:11) The politicians, from governor to our legislature, the politicians from our city councils, oh, thank you very much, ma'am, our school boards, these are the people that are in our face every single day. These were the people that did not listen to we, the people, the last go round, especially during the pandemic. These were the people that were running rough shot over our constitution God-given rights. I said to them, "We're watching you," and I said to them, if you don't do right, you going to get got. In our primary, we saw people get got, not going to name names, but people got got It is our job to put into office from the highest levels to the lowest, local, local, local God-fearing, constitutional-loving individuals, men and women who truly believe that they are here to serve we, the people. I know you're excited about seeing Governor DeSantis this evening. James T. Harris: (42:29) I know you're excited about seeing Kari this evening. I love talking about Governor DeSantis because he's taking it to the people. He's getting all up in their face, pushing back against the teacher's union pushing back against Disney, putting the American people first. I've got a sneaky suspicion that Kari Lake is cut from that cloth. I think in a short while, we'll be talking about her in the same breath that we're talking about governor DeSantis. Blake Masters is cut from this cloth. Every single one of these people, I just happen to have a chance to know because of what I do. But I want to tell you, when I'm on the air, I'm never going to lie to you. If these people that we put into office start tripping, they going to get got. My name is James T. Harris. I am the Ringmaster of the Conservative Circus, Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on News Talk 550 KFYI. Thank you so very much. Love me. Tyler Bowyer: (43:43) Everyone, give it up for James. If you're not listening to James every single morning, I don't know what you're doing because he's our guy. You should be listening to James T. Harris and Charlie Kirk every single day. Next up, I want to clue you guys in on something that's happening. It's really critical. We have a number of state legislators, they're out backstage right now who just got elected in the primary. I am ecstatic because Arizona is going to have one of the most conservative legislatures that we've ever had. James just brought up there's some guys that got got. There's some guys that got booted, got the boot, right? It was a long time coming for some of them, trust me, but I'm excited to welcome to the stage, my friend, and one of the most vivacious legislators that we have in the state of Arizona, Mr. Joe Chaplik. Joe Chaplik: (44:56) Thank you. Thank you, Turning Point Action. Joseph Chaplik, LD-3 representing North Scottsdale and North Phoenix, Northeast Valley, Anthem Cave Creek. I'll tell you, when you keep your promises, vote conservative, strengthen our state and reject liberal policies, voters respond, so thank you for my reelection. However, we've had some members that didn't do that and we had a Speaker of the House that refused to listen to the conservatives, including the Arizona Freedom Caucus led by Jake Hoffman. We passed an over-bloated budget this year with some Republicans and all the Democrats voted for it. They were dancing in the aisles. That's a Democrat budget in a Republican majority caucus for Arizona. Think about that, disgraceful. Well, unfortunately for them, some of them were voted out of office. We missed a huge opportunity the last two years to move a conservative agenda, just like Florida. We had some good bills passed, the flat tax two- and-a-half percent, but we missed a lot on election integrity. Banning drop boxes. For example, couldn't do it. Joe Chaplik: (46:21) We could have done so much more for the taxpayers with our $5 billion surplus. Considering the Biden America with super inflation, gas hikes, the border crisis out of control and the drugs pouring in, we are hurting and we could do much better. So I have decided to run for Speaker of the House here in Arizona. Let's be clear. Let's be clear. I fully support America First, Arizona First agenda with Kari Lake as our governor. For the first time, as Tyler said, we could have a very conservative legislature working with unity with the governor's office. The synergy will be incredible, the unity that we can bring the caucus together. I think this is exciting for everybody in our near future. Joe Chaplik: (47:25) So this November, we have a very large new member group coming into the office in the State House, in the State Senate, at least 20 in the State House, several in the Senate. I want to recognize some of them. They're backstage, but they need your help. These are great conservative patriots and some incumbents that we need to help: Christian Lamar, Alex Kolodin, Matt Gress, David Marshall, Kathy Pearce, Mary Ann Mendoza, Julie Willoughby, Liz Harris, Travis Grantham, Teresa Martinez, Rachel Jones, Corey Magar, Michael Carbone, Anthony Kern, Warren Petersen, Caden Darrow, Justine Wadsworth, Steve Montenegro, and of course, Austin Smith. Pretty soon we'll hear from Governor DeSantis who has shown us what it means to lead with conservative principles. Joe Chaplik: (48:33) Arizona is aiming to make Florida jealous of our legislature and how impactful we will be supporting Kari Lake for Governor. With the right leadership, here in Arizona, me as Speaker of the House, Warren Petersen as Senator President and Kari Lake as Governor, we will be standing up for your values, listening to our voters and delivering for you conservative agenda. America First, Arizona First will be alive and kick in here in a free state. In fact, we will rival Florida for the top spot in America, mark my words. If we don't, we know you'll vote out those that will block us. Thank you. God bless Arizona. God bless America. God bless all of you. Let's keep saving this country. It starts here in Arizona now. Thank you. Tyler Bowyer: (49:46) Man, it's so great having great conservatives in the state of Arizona running the show. First before I call out my next guest who you guys want to hear from, we actually at Turning Point Action need your support. We need those that are listening at home to support. We have a QR code that we're going to pull up here. If you've got a few bucks, a few minutes just to go to that, share it, just to donate a few dollars at Turning Point Action so we can keep doing what we're doing. I know Charlie and I appreciate that very much so we can keep supporting good guys like this. That brings me to our next person that we wanted to bring up. Tyler Bowyer: (50:21) In the state Senate, as you know, the Senate did the right thing by pulling together the audit. Well, unfortunately it didn't happen. It was just brought up by Joe, by Joseph Chaplik. Is that there wasn't enough election integrity legislation passed in the state of Arizona. We had a few people, just a couple of people block those pieces of legislation. It's not just that, we have so much to do, so much work to do and a lot of that is led by the Arizona State Senate. So I want to bring out my good friend, State Senator, and one of the most conservative members of the legislature that we've ever had, State Senator Warren Petersen. Come on out. Warren Petersen: (51:14) Thank you. Thank you. Good evening, everybody. First of all, I want to thank you for getting involved in the primary, and I mean getting involved huge. It was a revolution. Just a couple of examples, you elected Anthony Kern, rock solid conservative, and he replaced one of the most liberal members in the Senate. He's going to win the general. Justine Wadsack, you elected her. She's going to make us more conservative, so thank you so much for your involvement in the primary. I want to ask you a question, what makes our country great? Why do people come to live here, risk their lives? You don't see people risking their lives trying to go to Cuba or to Mexico. What's the difference between our country and theirs? It's not the soil. It's not the resources. It's freedom, right? That's the benefit of what? A good government. It's our government. It's our laws. It's our constitution. That is what affords us prosperity and freedom; yet, right now we have people trying to turn our country into Cuba with socialistic policies out-of-control, government spending and corruption. Warren Petersen: (52:48) Then you have people like you fighting to keep the country that our founding fathers gave us. We are in a battle to save our country, but we need leaders to fight this battle that are bold and strong. That's why when I endorsed Kari Lake I said, "I am all in, because we need a governor who's like Ron DeSantis." Do we love Ron DeSantis here? Why? Because he's bold. He actually governs the way he campaigns. He stands up to a corrupt and out-of-control, federal government. He buses illegal aliens to Washington, D.C. He fires attorneys that won't enforce the law. He fires incompetent election directors. He keeps smut and filth out of our kids' classrooms. Do we love Kari Lake? Why? Because she's bold. She pushes back against a corrupt media and biased media. In fact, I have never seen anybody do it the way she does it, and she just owns them. She eats them for breakfast, it's incredible. Kari will never mask our kids. Sh she will never shut down our schools, our businesses or our churches. Warren Petersen: (54:54) She will secure our border. She will get this homelessness disaster under control. She will cut taxes. She will push back against a corrupt Washington, D.C. She will secure our elections. She'll protect our individual rights and free markets. Her opponent is a radical lefty. I know, I served with her in the legislature. Her policy will increase your taxes, crime and homelessness, and the cost of living. She will destroy your children's education, not to mention that every election she's overseen has been an absolute disaster. Unlike her opponent, Kari Lake has ideas and plans. She has an incredible vision that will benefit and help all of the citizens of Arizona. Incredible opportunities lie ahead of us with a Governor Lake. That's who I want to work with. Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis, those are two names that you should all get used to hearing, and you will if we do our part, if we do, we do our part, she will win. Thank you. God bless, everybody. Charlie Kirk: (56:40) You should not be able to smear 5,000 high school and college kids, and then just be able to walk away with it. We have to make our own hope happen. We're seeing a great realignment. We know that there's going to be a red wave in November. I'm traveling the country and I'm seeing people that are angry and motivated. There's still a lot of fight left in the American citizens. We're going to win with those people. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. It's great to see all of you. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know about you, but I'm mad right now. Let's just think about this last week. In the last week, we had Mark Kelly vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, by the way, to go audit you to go audit small businesses, to go after enemies of the state and people that are a threat to the Democrat Party. I can guarantee you this, that conservatives or people here tonight, that's who the IRS is going to go after. That's the first thing. Then we're supposed to believe that these two things aren't related, 87,000 new IRS agents. Charlie Kirk: (58:14) Then the crossing of the Rubicon, the action that will never be able to be undone the moment in time that we'll all remember when the Federal Bureau of Investigation with 270 man hours and 30 agents went into Mar-a-Lago to desecrate, and dare I say, invade a president's home over a paperwork dispute, and a paperwork dispute. By the way, they let Hillary Clinton smash devices and delete 33,000 emails. Where's the FBI raid for Hunter Biden and Chinese Communist Party deals? Where is the FBI raid for all these other people? I'm telling you right now, what they did this last week, 87,000 new IRS agents going into Mar-a-Lago, it's very clear what's happening here. There's no going back. There's no longer a debate of tax policy. It's no longer a debate of, "Well, I think the Democrats mean very well, we just have different ways of getting there." They raided our president's home. There is no going back from this, everybody. There is no going back and we need to send a message to the media right now, because we got a lot of them. Charlie Kirk: (59:34) We got The New York Times and all of them. The raid at Margo only makes me like Donald Trump, even more. It shows that they can't win elections. "It's democracy," is what they always say. By the way, we're a Republic, not a democracy, big difference. We are a constitutional Republic. Thank you for listening to the Charlie Kirk Show, by the way. It's a great student right there, but it's very clear, they want to intimidate you. They want to silence you. They want to make you afraid that you might be the next person to receive an audit, that you might be the person at 4:00 AM, where the FBI comes into your home. That right there, as we call it, the crossing of the Rubicon is them saying to us, "We now have an internal police state." Now understand why they have to do this, though, and this is the silver lining. They're doing this because they saw the results of the Arizona primary. They're doing this because Trump-endorsed candidates are winning secretary estates, races, winning Governor's primaries. Charlie Kirk: (01:00:52) They're winning Senate primaries. The more you attack the America First MAGA movement, the stronger we become. You see, they can't win using normal means. They don't want to have a policy discussion. Their ideas are failing. Their principles are against everything that we believe as Americans. They have to go to third-world tactics. In fact, this is fourth-world stuff. The third-world's looking at us and saying, "You're going after a former president for a potential paperwork dispute." After there was a meeting in early June with the same FBI and then Merrick Garland comes out and says, "I personally approved the raid." Let me tell you what, day one Republicans take back the House and the Senate, we impeach Merrick Garland and we remove him as Attorney General of the United States. We're not going to put up with this anymore. The new conservative movement would roll over and say, "Whatever, it's the FBI." No, no, no, not anymore. It is very clear, and you- Charlie Kirk: (01:02:03) Anymore. It is very clear. And you've, you've seen all this online, maybe one or two different times that wasn't just a raid against Trump. That was a raid against your values. That was a raid against you. That is a presidential landmark where treaties resigned deals were negotiated. That's a desecration of the conservative movement. And they say, "Well, we're a very non-political branch of law enforcement is what we are." They are the shock troops of the Democrat party is what they have become, but understand in reaction to that raid, it was interesting to see how the Republican party responded. Now. Some people responded beautifully and wonderfully: with disgust and outrage the same way you did. But do you notice how some Republicans were very vanilla in their response? Where they said, "Well, we have to allow this to play out. We have to allow this to unfold." You see, what makes the America first MAGA movement so unique, so dangerous is that we're not just fighting for freedom and Liberty, but we're against the uni-party. We're against the Republicrats and the Democans that always get us into foreign wars unnecessarily, keep our borders wide open, de-industrialized our economy, and they just want us to talk about issues that don't really matter. You see, it was very interesting to see the Republican party. Some were very good. I mean, Blake masters was wonderful. Kari Lake was terrific. You see the people running here, but many people in the establishment of Washington DC, they say, "Well, we can't attack the FBI for what they did here." And I think all of you know better. You know that right now, one of the greatest threats to our Liberty, it's not happening in Ukraine. It's in our own government against our people. Charlie Kirk: (01:03:59) And let me be very clear. I don't like saying that I wish I trusted our federal law enforcement. I want to trust the people in the FBI. I'm sure there's some phenomenal people that are doing some great work there, but it's more in the boots and the suits. But how many times do we have to make excuses for these people? They spies on Donald Trump, and we know with Peter Strzok's text messages with his lover, Lisa Page,. Well, he's not going to win, is he? We have insurance policy. They lied about the dossier. They destroyed evidence. Did James Comey's apartment ever get raided? How about Andy McCabe? But it's not just Trump. Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Scott Perry had a cell phone taken, wake up everybody. They are weaponizing the police against you, and guess what? You know what they fear. They fear what's happening here tonight. Bigger crowds, more momentum, more energy. We need to send a message to them. The more you raid, the more we gather, the more you confiscate, the louder we get. You do not get to determine the rules of engagement anymore. The people are back in charge, not federal law enforcement. Charlie Kirk: (01:05:29) Equal justice is a promise. If you're going to raid over a paperwork dispute, I just would love to see what equal justice would look like with Hunter Biden. We have a wonderful person, Donald Trump that I think is going to run again in 2024, and I think a lot of people are going to be behind him, but here's the good news. You live in the state that gets to determine all of this. You live in the state that is now the battleground. 50/50, hundreds of millions of Democrat dollars are coming into this state. Because as Arizona goes, America goes. You see, we get messages all the time on the Charlie Kirk show, on our real America's voice show, on our Salem radio network show. Thank you guys for listening and supporting us where they say, "Charlie, what can I do?" And I always ask, "Well, where do you live?" And they say, "Massachusetts or New York or Oregon." I say, "Prayer is great." Charlie Kirk: (01:06:36) Fasting and praying and helping our program at turning point. Action. Thank you by the way for supporting our great work at turning point action. We're in the grassroots. We're making things happen, but here's the good news. Everybody you don't live in Martha's Vineyard. If you did, I'd be a little suspicious why you'd be at a rally on Sunday evening. Anyway, that's a different story. You live in the place where everything you do matters. You live in the state where if America is going to survive as a constitutional Republic, separation of powers, independent judiciary, respect for the unborn, protection of our children. It's all going to happen here. And so the question in front of us is, how do we act? How do we organize? What do we do? You see, I grew up in Chicago, Illinois. Any Chicago transplants here? You see, we say we're from Chicago. The best thing about being from Illinois is we have term limits, a little different than Arizona. It's one term in office, one term in jail. We ask for our governor's cell number. We literally mean his... The place Hunter Biden should go to, right? That's what we mean. Charlie Kirk: (01:07:48) I moved to this state for a reason. I know a lot of you did as well. We love our 42nd generation Arizonans like Tyler, seventh generation, whatever, we love the people that built Arizona. We're thankful for them. We came here because this is a liberty loving, freedom loving state. We came here not to California, not to Colorado because we saw this as the best of America. You know what I'd love about Arizona? No one cares who your parents are. No one cares about where you came from. It's what are you doing? What's your character? That doesn't happen everywhere. You go to most states, they say, "Oh, well, who are you related to?" Or, "Tell me, what are you going to do for me." In Arizona, it's, "Show me, are you able to do the work? Are you able to put the commitment?" Arizona still has that Western spirit where in a bizarre turn of events, we have two contradictory things where we have some of the best second amendment laws in the country, praise God. Charlie Kirk: (01:08:48) And at the same time we pass all these wacky tax measures and legalization of marijuana. There's kind of a contradiction there at the same time. We love our freedom here in this state. We love our liberty. And what's going on is a steady, well funded, deliberate, deceitful campaign to turn this into the next Colorado, into the next California. The math is very simple. If they succeed, there will be no way to ever get back to conservative majorities in the U.S. Senate, or to ever get a Republican elected as president of the United States. Everything we are doing here in Arizona, everything Turning Point Action is doing matters more than ever before. And so the question in front of all of us is what does that mean? We got to go register more voters. We have to get into the precincts. Here's what I could promise you. Charlie Kirk: (01:09:40) Mark Kelly will run the same dumb advertisement over and over again and will outspend Blake Masters five to one. I guarantee it. So the question is, are we just going to complain about it or are we going to do the difficult necessary work to organize the precincts, to be volunteers? See, we have to understand that the left is going to get fat and lazy off the amount of money that they don't even have to work for. The funding coming in, the big billionaire oligarchs that fund out of state to turn Arizona. You know what that makes us? That means we have to be more resilient. We have to be more creative. We're going to have to put in more hours. We're going to have to spend more time in the grassroots, but long term, I would much rather be the movement that has to scrap for every inch than has some out-of-state billionaires that pour money in to try to change Arizona. We're going to outwork you. We're going to knock on more doors. We're going to register more voters. We're going to wake up early, right Austin, on Saturday mornings and do super Saturdays. We're we are going to put in more hours than they are and allow them to go run these silly advertisements. I actually think it's going to backfire on the Mark Kelly campaign. I really do. I think that he's going to lose votes, because people will say, "I don't care what he stands for. If I have to watch another Mark Kelly ad..." I mean it is the most unbelievable thing. And by the way, what a liar Mark Kelly is. Can I just say that again? Charlie Kirk: (01:11:03) And let me also say Katie Hobbs is one of the most unimpressive people. I saw an advertisement for her. I said, "She's running for public office with what constituency exactly?" Here's the thing. They think that people of Arizona can be manipulated through crafty television advertisements and through all of these kind of deceptive wording and meaning. But here's the thing they underestimate and they don't understand, is they don't understand how hard we are going to work. And they also don't understand how good our candidates are. You see for how long in Arizona, how many of you have been waiting? Could we just get a real conservative to run for the U.S. Senate? You have won everybody, a legit conservative. You've been saying, could we just get a real conservative to run for governor? Oh, you have a real conservative running for governor. Let me tell you what. And there's so many things that are on the ballot box right now. You see the media always says, "You can't talk about what's happening in our classrooms." And this is something that we talk about all the time at Turning Point, we talk about the war on our children and, we call them groomers and they are groomers, by the way. You go after children with this perverse sex education. You go after them with CRT. You go after them with chemical castration drugs. You belong in jail, not in the classroom period. It's all about our children. Arizona is a pro-family state and it needs to remain as one. Make Mark Kelly explain why he voted for 87,000 new IRS agents. Make Katie Hobbs explain while she won't ever give a direct answer on critical race theory in the Scottsdale unified school district. Why she won't give a clear answer about this queer theory, sexual identity curriculum that is coming into our government schools. We must play offense in this election everybody. You see, this is something the media fears. This is why they had to raid Mar-a-lago. They fear all of a sudden, a conservative movement that wholeheartedly rejects the issues that they always want you to talk about. You see, when we talk about our children, when we talk about the issues that are fundamental as the strong protecting the weak as a society that is not going to put up with this sort of academic predatory behavior, you know what ends up happening? Charlie Kirk: (01:13:31) We win in major numbers. You know when conservatives lose? Conservatives lose if all of a sudden we get up on the debate stage, which has happened in Arizona, the last couple election cycles, we say, "Well I think Mark Kelly is a wonderful man." No. Mark Kelly's not a wonderful man actually. And I'm tired of people, "He's such an admirable person." Admirable people don't vote for 87,000 new IRS agents, okay? Admirable people don't go and vote for multi-trillion dollar bills while we are having this massive inflation you see right now. The conservative movement, all of us together, we're going through a time of choosing and also a moment where we are going to have to understand our path forward. Now, as we have these amazing candidates, this is my one fair thing of warning, and this is what you're all here tonight, you understand many people in the Arizona, Republican establishment want Blake Masters to lose. Charlie Kirk: (01:14:24) You understand this right? Or to make Kari Lake lose. They would much rather deal with Mark Kelly or Katie Hobbs and say, "See, I told you so. See what happens when you elect these grassroots candidates?" It's the, I told you so crowd. This happens all the time. You're not allowed to say this out loud. So what does that mean? Well, they might have all the crony chamber of commerce special in of interest, but we have the people. We have people that are rising up in record numbers. We have pastors, we have parents, we have plumbers. We have electricians. We have police officers. We have people that are in the muscular class in our country. And by the way, we need far less people going to college and more people that work with their hands in America, by the way. Charlie Kirk: (01:15:10) This new conservative movement is one that fights. It organizes. It understands that the time is unlike anything we've lived before. Someone asked me the other day, on our program, they said, "Charlie, do you think America is going to make it through all of this?" I said, "It's wholly dependent on our action." You see, if I told you right now that I was optimistic about the future of America, you'd say, "Well, I get to go home right now, and Charlie said he's optimistic. So I don't have to do anything." If I said I was pessimistic, you could go home, and you could say, "Well, what the... I don't have to do anything because Charlie said we're going to lose." Here's what I do know. We have to make our own hope happen is that everything... The money you give, the prayers that you embark on, the precincts you organize, the candidates you support. Every single one of those things is going to make a huge difference. Now, many of you here tonight are probably saying, "Charlie, I've done everything that has been asked of me. I watch Tucker Carlson every night. Charlie Kirk: (01:16:17) I bought the pillow, promo code Kirk, by the way at mypillow.com, just so we're clear, I have a closet full of relief factor. I reverse mortgaged my home. I have more gold than I know what to do with. I have that thing that goes up the stairs. I don't even know what it does. What else am I supposed to do?" Charlie Kirk: (01:16:43) And look, I'm all for watching Tucker and watching Bannon and watching our program. But let's be honest, conservatism in America and reclaiming our country is no longer a spectator sport. We need people in the arena. Now, how do you know if you are in the arena? You know you are in the arena if you have lost something that you cared about recently in the fight for freedom, a friendship, a business contract, you see, and this is the cool thing though. Not everyone has to be front and center. You could be in the fight for freedom in the background. Some people say, you know what? I'm going to financially support the good candidates. I'm going to just be behind the scenes. We need every single one of the workers at every possible level to be able to organize, to be able to do what is necessary. And again, this is something that is very important. The Republican party is in a much healthier position than the Democrat party. They are a machine. And the problem with machines is that they tend to fall apart. You see, they have interchangeable parts. Mark Kelly just does exactly what's been asked of him. All this out-of-state money comes in. We have independent thinkers. We have grassroots candidates. We have people that are challenging to status quo. We're able to fill up arenas for out-of-state governors that come to Arizona. It's an unbelievable thing. We are in a much healthier position. Charlie Kirk: (01:18:03) And on that question of whether or not we are going to win, I'll close with this story. The greatest man to live in the 20th century was Winston Churchill. Churchill was the only man that was smiling the morning after Pearl Harbor. He walked into his war cabinet meeting with a cigar and a thing of whiskey, kind of chuckling and smiling while the rest of his war cabinet was somber and depressed and upset. He walks in and proclaims to his war cabinet, "Gents we have won the war." Is the war cabinet said, "Sir, what?" He said, "We have won the war." And some brave soul stepped up and said, "Have you lost your bloody mind? Charlie Kirk: (01:18:46) We are losing thousands of Royal Air Force members every single day. They are blitzkrieging London. They bombed a hospital. We barely got our troops out of Dunkirk. They're planning an amphibious invasion of Brighton in the Southern tip of our Aisle. What do you mean we have won the war?" And Churchill took a sip of whiskey in a puff of his cigar and the room stayed eerily silent. He said, "Ah, I've studied the Americans, and I've got to know them. They may be slow to the game, but let me tell you, once the Americans have awakened, the war is over and I proclaim to you right now, after Pearl Harbor America has awakened and the war is over." Everybody, we awaken. We win. God bless you. Joe Chaplik: (01:19:53) We need a change, right? The establishment politics isn't working, you should be able to raise a family on one single income. We need to seal the border. We need to stop election fraud. We need to stop this crazy inflation. Donald Trump: (01:20:05) Blake brings exactly the kind of toughness, courage and intellectual firepower we need in the senate. Speaker 6: (01:20:11) Blake Masters won the election and will now face off- Joe Chaplik: (01:20:14) America First, it's here to stay. I'm mad as hell, and we're take this country back. Thank you. Thank you for being here for coming here to welcome to Arizona, the governor of the great state of Florida. Give it up for America's governor, Governor Ron DeSantis. Do we love this guy or what? Florida and Arizona have something in common. Everybody wants to move here. Just in the last two years, literally hundreds of thousands of Americans have moved to Arizona and Florida. Specifically, over a hundred thousand Americans have moved to Arizona recently, which is great. And over 300,000 of our fellow citizens have moved to the free state of Florida. And let me ask you this, where do you think they're coming from. Overwhelmingly, right? They're coming from California. They're coming from New York. And why do you think they're coming? You think it's the weather? It's true that in Arizona, we have better weather than in New York. And so does Florida, but that doesn't really explain California does it? I mean, California is so crazy, but their outdoors are pretty nice. No, it's obviously something else, and it's not too hard to figure out what's going on. What's going on is that Americans are fleeing these failed states. They're fleeing these failed states because these states don't work for their citizens. The reason they don't work is because they are one party states, right? California, New York, Illinois, they're all governed entirely by Democrats. You've got Democrat mayors. You've got Democrat governors. You've got Democrat senators. And I'll tell you what these partisan Democrats, they're like pack animals. They're tribal. They stick together. Whatever they're saying or doing today, it might be completely different from what they say or do tomorrow, but I promise you, if there's a change, they'll make that change together in lockstep, right? They conform. And they will try to silence and harass and intimidate anyone who dares to speak out or ask questions. And so when a virus came from China to America, right? Initially, remember the Democrat line was, "Oh no, no. It's okay. Like who are you to worry about it? Go to Chinatown party in the street. Hug a panda." Or whatever Nancy Pelosi said, you remember that? Joe Chaplik: (01:23:34) And then it was, "No, don't worry about it. Go out to restaurants and be married and get wontons." That's what the mayor of New York said right before. Of course the Democrats had an abrupt about face and they panicked and they locked down and we can never forget this. These Democrats, they shut down their states. They shut down businesses. They shut down schools. They gave up on our children, of course, and they locked people inside for no good reason. And so you probably saw this just this week, right? The CDC came out with a statement. Did you see this? Well now, now two years later, the CDC admits that COVID is here to stay. Joe Chaplik: (01:24:21) Can you believe these people? That's their words. It's here to stay. You no longer have to quarantine. The mandatory testing, the routine testing, no, don't have to do that anymore. Of course, they still recommend that you get vaccinated, but they even admit now their guidance, their advice doesn't change, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated and they'll change it after November, right? In other words, two years of persecution, two years of incompetence, two years of economic destruction can be summed up in two words: Just kidding. That's what they're saying. And to these people, it's a joke, but I think that the failure of the public health bureaucracy, the so-called public health system, it's an embarrassment, if not a crime and what a sign of the utter ridiculousness, right? The childishness of the Biden administration that they're not even asking any questions, let alone trying to reform this obviously corrupt and broken public health system. Joe Chaplik: (01:25:25) But actually, that's not a surprise because that's just the Democrat way of operating. When something's broken, the Democrats, they don't want to do anything about it. They just leave it alone and let it get worse. Because what are you going to do about it? You're going to vote for somebody else. Nope, can't do that in a one party state. Good luck doing in California or New York, and so you see the problem. The problem is when the Democrats have power and there's no one there to provide any sort of check or balance, things just get worse and worse. It's why in the giant cities, the Democrat run cities, there's a ton of crime. So what do the Democrats do about it? Absolutely nothing. They just let it happen and it gets worse and worse. And then the Democrats, they see hundreds of thousands, actually millions of illegal aliens streaming across our Southern border. What do they do about it? Nothing. They just let it happen, and it gets worse. It gets worse and worse. Sorry to... I had a tire blow out on the way up here, and so I'm a little... I got some notes here. Joe Chaplik: (01:26:53) It's a good thing that the rest of the country isn't as messed up as New York and California, because at least those people have some place to flee to. But we don't. And that's why Senator Mark Kelly's got to go because we live here in Arizona. We're staying put, okay. This is our state. We're not leaving. We need to make this state work. And that's what we're going to do. We need to make this country work. Because guess what? We don't have another one, and this country is in danger. Under Joe Biden and Mark Kelly's failed leadership, everything that should be going down is going up. Your rent is going up, inflation up, gas costs more and more, groceries cost more and more, crime is skyrocketing. Actually, if you want to see something that's falling, you have to look to our children's test scores. This is what it looks like to be ruled by California and by New York. And this is why we cannot tolerate a Senator who just votes every single time as a rubber stamp on the failed Joe Biden agenda, a Senator who literally just does whatever Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi tell him to do, who literally takes orders from these failed leaders from failed states. Joe Chaplik: (01:28:34) He's a puppet. You know what [inaudible 01:28:36] is? He's an astronaut. Have you heard about this? He'll tell all about it. He loves talking about it and you know what? Hey, we can respect that he used to be an astronaut. That's kind of cool. That's fine. I'm sure he was really great at it. Doing all the experiments in space or whatever it is that astronauts do nowadays. Let him do that because here on earth, he's failing. Here on earth, we have some big problems. Here on earth, we have massive inflation. Here on earth, in Arizona, there's an invasion at our Southern border, an invasion that all of a sudden Mark Kelly is pretending to be really concerned about. Have you noticed this? Nevermind that he literally blocked hiring 20,000 new border patrol agents because instead he wanted to hire and voted to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. How do you feel about that? And you're paying for it. I know I'm biased because I'm running against the guy, but tell me, is Mark Kelly doing a good job? I think he's doing a hell of a job as California's third Senator, but as an independent Senator for Arizona, nope, sorry, he's a miserable failure. And so are the rest of the Democrats and everybody knows this. Everybody knows the Democrats in charge have failed. If you just ask people a very simple question, "Hey, how are we doing? Are we on the right track?" The vast majority of people will say no. And the vast majority is right, and what do you do? What's the first thing you do when you realize you're going the wrong way? You turn around and that's what we're going to do in November. We're going to throw these bums out. We're going to turn this thing around. Joe Chaplik: (01:30:34) Thank you. Appreciate that. Joe Chaplik: (01:30:42) And it starts with throwing them out, but that's just a half of it. Then the real work begins. And we know what to do, you know why? Because governor DeSantis is giving us the playbook. He's showing how it's done. Florida is literally safer and richer and freer because that guy wakes up every day and he puts the pedal to the metal on his bold, common sense agenda. Governor DeSantis protected people's medical freedom when the COVID tyrants were trying to steal it away. Governor DeSantis stood up to woke corporations who expected special treatments, special privileges. He said, "Hell no, not happening in Florida." And of course governor DeSantis also stood up to the corrupt teachers unions and protected children. Now of course, as great as he is, he can't do it alone. We can't let Florida be the only state that works, right? We need to keep Arizona working. We need to make sure Arizona is better than ever before. And that's why tell me if you disagree, I think we need Kari Lake as governor. How about that? Get her in the governor's office. Get me in the U.S. Senate. I promise you when I get to the U.S. Senate, I will do the job that Mark Kelly has refused to do. Joe Chaplik: (01:32:23) I will stand up to the Biden administration and with me, with no apologies. It will be Arizona first and America first all the way. So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to take back this country? Are you ready, come November, to send Mark Kelly back to space. Because that is what we are going to do. Thank you. And God bless you. Joe Chaplik: (01:33:01) ... [inaudible 01:33:00]. Thank you and God bless you. Speaker 7: (01:33:01) (singing) Kari Lake: (01:39:00) We are no longer going to take weakness where we need strength. That's why I'm running to be Arizona's next governor. Donald Trump: (01:39:07) ... Person that I am giving a complete and total endorsement to, and that's Kari Lake. Kari Lake: (01:39:11) I'll fight for you every single day. Kari Lake: (01:39:13) We will build that wall. Kari Lake: (01:39:15) We're going to make it easy to vote and impossible to [inaudible 01:39:17]. Kari Lake: (01:39:17) But we will never stop fighting for the unborn. Speaker 8: (01:39:19) Her name is Kari Lake. Speaker 9: (01:39:20) Kari Lake. Speaker 10: (01:39:20) Kari Lake. Speaker 11: (01:39:20) Kari Lake Speaker 12: (01:39:22) Has won the Republican nomination. Speaker 13: (01:39:23) She's on fire. Kari Lake: (01:39:25) [inaudible 01:39:25] love this country, and we will fight like hell to save it. Kari Lake: (01:39:25) Whoa. Audience: (01:39:25) Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari. Kari Lake: (01:40:23) Oh, man. Arizona, it is so good. Audience: (01:40:30) [inaudible 01:40:30]. Kari Lake: (01:40:31) I love you guys so much. I cannot believe we're here again. This is so amazing. Arizona, thank you so much. Tyler Bowyer, he's... How did you pull this together in like a week? I have a feeling Lauren Toncich had something to do with it. Yes, go Tyler. And I want to thank Charlie Kirk, the man who has done more too. Absolutely. I want Charlie to know we momma bears and papa bears appreciate him helping us get our kids back on track from the indoctrination. Thank you, Charlie. Kari Lake: (01:41:06) It is incredible to be here. It was just over a year ago, last July, that we were here at a Turning Point event, and I really do believe that was one of the most defining moments of our whole race, our whole campaign. Who was here for that event? You remember that? Had no idea it would turn out that way. I got to tell you, President Trump, I talk to him often, he still talks about that Turning Point event. Remember that? I think we stunned him. He realized that we have a movement here in Arizona at that event. It was at the moment he realized we have a winner, and boy did we win, right? Kari Lake: (01:41:55) 11 days ago, thanks to all of you, we got the grassroots winner in the Republican nominee for Arizona governor. We worked hard for that. We worked so hard for that. We won 400,000 votes, did you know that? We won every single county in Arizona. Every single one. And we won every type of voter out there. You name it. And we were outspent 10 to 1. It was David versus Goliath. And guess what? We won by five points. That's a decisive victory. Don't believe what the media says. We won a decisive victory. We did it. I'm so proud to be standing up here with your support tonight, thank you so much. But I'm so excited about the new Republican Party. This is the party of we, the people. It truly is. The party of we, the people. We are showing the party that we have strong leaders who are going to stand up for the people, not just the special interests anymore. I'm thrilled about that and I'm happy to be part of this movement. What I'm most excited about... I can't see everybody because the house lights aren't up, but I have a feeling this is a young crowd. I am most excited... Yeah. Are these the young people I hear? Let's hear it, young people. You know what? Let's let the radical left hear the young people who are part of our movement. We've got the young people. Let them hear it. The Republican Party isn't your great, great grandfather's party anymore. This is the party of we, the people. Kari Lake: (01:44:07) I'm thrilled about that because you know why they're here with us? They're here with us because over the last few years our young people have been tortured. They've been tortured by their political leaders and they realize that politics matter. They realize that the people who masked their faces, shut their schools down, took all of those firsts away... Think about it, what we were doing when we were young. The first date, the school dances, the first kiss. All right, I'm really dating myself. That's way back when. They took that away from our young people, not to mention what they did by masking them up and hurting their education. They took their athletic scholarships away, and they tried to destroy their lives. That is why we have young conservatives and they are with us right now. Let's face it. We all woke up during COVID. That was the biggest wake up call you could ever imagine. We saw how important it is to have strong governors, and we saw what our governors could do with that power, how they could use it to hurt us. And amidst all of the insanity, there was one governor who stood out in the crowd. You know who I'm talking about. He's right up there right now, and his name is Governor Ron DeSantis. I don't know if he's looking down here, but he's up there in that room and we appreciated him. Kari Lake: (01:45:49) All right, I'm going to tell you a little bit, I just got to spend time with him. Love the guy. Fantastic. He is gutsy. The guy has bigger... Okay. Wait, let me think about how I want to word this. My staff always says, "Whatever you do, do not say balls." So I'm not going to say it. That guy has a backbone made of steel. I'll tell you what he's got, I don't know if you've heard of this, but he's got BDE. Anybody know what that means? Ask your kids about it later. I call it big DeSantis energy. Right? He's got the same kind of BDE that President Trump has. And frankly, he has the same kind of BDE that we want all of our elected leaders to have. I can just see it right now, all the middle-aged ladies, such as myself, are on Google going, "What does BDE mean?" For the moms out there, I'm really sorry that I threw that out. Kari Lake: (01:47:14) So, you see, Governor DeSantis took that Trump strength and that Trump energy and he brought it to his home state during COVID. He showed America what it means to have a governor who is a fighter, who will defend our freedom, and not sell us out. Thank you, Governor DeSantis for that. By the way, I want to give Governor DeSantis my stamp of approval for the way he handles the fake news media. The guy's brilliant. He's brilliant. Between President Trump, Governor DeSantis, and myself, I think we are waking people up to the propagandist in the fake news and exposing them for who they are. You know, it was during COVID that we saw some really bad governors as well. Governor Gavin Nuisance and Governor Gretchen Witchmer. They were exposed as the tyrants that they are. It was rules and laws for we, but not for the. And we're tired of that kind of leadership or lack of leadership. We did see there was a stark difference between Blue states and Red states, and we discovered that Americans want Red states. But we're at a point right now where we cannot lose this critical border state to a socialist. We're less than three months away from what I believe is the most important election of our lifetime. Anybody agree with that? We have to get this right. Kari Lake: (01:49:04) I want to take you back four years ago. Governor Ron DeSantis, as much as we love him now, four years ago he was in the fight of his life. His horrible opponent... There were 30,000 votes away between Governor Ron DeSantis and his opponent, Andrew Gillum. 30,000 votes separating freedom from tyranny. 30,000 votes between a great, strong governor and a drugged-out weirdo. I mean, that's what it really came down to. Thank God that man didn't win and that Governor DeSantis was victorious. Thank God that Florida dodged that bullet. That's how important elections are. That's how important your vote is. And that's how important what we're against right now is. We know that freedom won in Arizona and we've got to have freedom win in November here in Arizona. I'm counting on you to help make that happen. Kari Lake: (01:50:07) So we have less than 12 weeks, roughly, to get this under control and make sure that we do not find ourselves staring down the barrel of a disaster named Katie Hobbs. First of all, many of you probably know this, but some of you may not, Hobbs is a convicted racist. Convicted. Two separate juries unanimously convicted her of racial discrimination, and we, in this audience, are all paying for that. Almost $3 million as a payout for her court settlement because she did not pay Black employees the same as she paid white. And when this wonderful employee said something about it and said, "Hey, why aren't you paying me what I'm worth?" What did she do? She fired her. This woman, Katie Hobbs, should be nowhere near the ninth floor, and I'm going to fight like hell to make sure she doesn't get there. No way, Katie. No way. She has an F grade when it comes to protecting our Second Amendment rights. I don't know about you, but I feel that right now our Second Amendment is the most important amendment. It's the reason that we are still free. And I'll tell you, as a momma bear, I want my Second Amendment rights so I can protect my family in this dangerous world. Anybody else with me on that? We looked at Katie Hobbs' voting record and it is shocking. She'll never talk about it. 90% of the time when she was in our state legislature, she voted against small businesses. 90% of the time. She has proven, obviously, that she cannot, as secretary of state, run a fair, free, honest election. We got to get her out. I don't like the fact that she's involved anywhere at all in this upcoming election. She needs to recuse herself from her role right now. How many of you have been to California recently? Not a great place anymore. Katie Hobbs wants to take those same dead-end policies that destroyed California and bring them over here to Arizona. We have a saying for that, Katie, don't California our Arizona. Now, listen, some of you have followed our primary race, I worked really hard. I grew up in Iowa. There's not a lot to do there, but I did do there is I honed my work ethic, and I took that work ethic and I worked hard to win that election. I'm going to take that same work ethic and I'm going to work like hell to keep Katie Hobbs out of the governor's office. Here's what I want to do for Arizona. Here's what we're going to do for Arizona. And I don't care, frankly, if you're with the Democrat Party, the Independent Party, the Republican Party, the Pizza Party, or the Pool Party, our policies are going to help all Arizonans. None of us here, and I know there's some momma bears and papa bears here, are comfortable with the fact that Arizona is the pipeline for fentanyl coming into America. That is why on day one we are going to start securing that southern border. It is unconscionable that that's been open for 20 months. Shame on you Joe Biden. Shame on you. We're going to stop the flow of drugs. I've talked to way too many parents who've lost a 17-year-old, a 19-year-old, a 20-year-old to a fentanyl poisoning. Their child took one pill and died. We're not going to let that happen anymore. Not on my watch. Kari Lake: (01:54:50) And for the hardworking Arizonans who are struggling to make ends meet, we're not going to let millions of people flow into Arizona and drive our wages down anymore. It's not going to happen. So on day one, we start securing that border. I can't wait to get to work. And we're going to tell the cartels to hit the road, and we're not asking Joe Biden's permission. We're not asking a whole lot. We want safe streets. Anybody with me on that? I'm afraid to walk across the parking lot at night. Hell, I'm afraid to walk across the parking lot at the grocery store during the day. That's what's happening here in Arizona, so we're going to back the Blue every step of the way. We're going to make sure that they have the resources they need to protect us. I want to look at every man and woman out there wearing the badge who's in law enforcement trying to keep Arizona safe and I want you to know we appreciate the hard work you do. We're going to get you some backup. You have our six, and we've got your six. Kari Lake: (01:56:05) We're going to stop playing catch and release with dangerous criminals, and we're going to go after the prosecutors who do that. If you commit a crime in Arizona, you're going to do the time. Plain and simple. We're going to hire more cops and build more jails if that's what it takes, but we will not be overrun with crime anymore. Not in Arizona. Kari Lake: (01:56:34) Now, this is a stark contrast between myself and Katie Hobbs. Katie Hobbs, in order to grovel for Planned Parenthood's endorsement and money, she denounced our police. Sick. It's absolutely sick. She did that without batting an eye. And have you noticed she's actually finally campaigning, by the way? She came out last week with a mask over her face. Actually, that might be a good look for her. Oh, I'm in trouble for that. That's what they're going to write about. You know, she wore a mask and she's just dying to get us back in masks, but we will never put masks on our face again. Never. Arizona, I promise you right here and right now, there will be no more COVID mandates when I'm governor. Never. Kari Lake: (01:57:54) Under the Democrats, we are suffering with the worst economy that we've ever experienced in most of our lifetimes. So what's their solution? Last week, they decided to raise taxes on people making as low as $20,000. They decided to hire 87,000 armed IRS agents to go after us in case we're late on our taxes. Can you imagine if they hired 87,000 school resource officers and armed them? We'd have safe schools in this country. And then, these people sent politically motivated federal agents to President Donald Trump's home and raided it. How dare they. Joe Biden, we have had enough. Our government created of the people, by the people, and for the people. That government has now turned against we, the people, and we will begin to fight back. No more. Kari Lake: (01:59:08) I promise you this, as your governor, Arizona, I will be the biggest pain in the ass Joe Biden's ever experienced. I will protect Arizona from this out of control federal government. And we're going to do more. We're going to touch on the issues that matter to us. We're going to address chronic street homelessness. We are going to ban tents on the side of the road. We're going to no longer enable drug use on our streets, and we're going to get these people help. Going to get them help. Because, frankly, we need every man and woman to be contributing citizens here in our community. God did not envision us to live on the streets with a needle in our arm. We're going to get people help and we're going to restore quality of life. That's what it's about. Kari Lake: (02:00:25) We want our kids to have a great education, and thanks to our great lawmakers, I see some of them out here, we are now funding our students and not the schools. We're funding the students. Thank you. Thank you to all of the lawmakers. I see you right there, Mark. Thank you so much. One other thing I want to do for our education is to get our kids ready for real world. That means we have a dual-track education, after tenth grade they decide if they want to go college degree, or they want to get trade skill training, vocational training and certification. They will be ready for the high-paying jobs that are out there on day one after high school. That is the way you fight Bidenflation. That's the way you do it. I'll be honest, some of the dumbest people I know have college degrees. And some of the greatest people and richest people I know are in the trades. Let's start setting our kids up for success. Kari Lake: (02:01:34) Now, I want to tell you, Hobbs, that's a terrible name, isn't it? Sorry. She wants our kids trapped in these zip code dead-end schools where your zip code defines who you can be. That's not what republicans want. She is for abortion up to birth and up to three days after. That is murder, and we are not for that here in Arizona. I want to protect life. I want to help mothers. There's not a darn thing that's controversial about that. Hobbs wants men to compete in women sports. I want to protect... I'm going to touch on something that might not be PC right now, is that okay? Audience: (02:02:25) Yeah. Kari Lake: (02:02:28) I want to protect our boys and our young men. I'm a momma bear to a boy. Somewhere out here is my son, I don't know where he is. Leo, I love you. I know you're out there somewhere. I am so tired of our boys being told they can't be boys. Let our boys be boys. Let our men be men. Stop telling our boys that being a man is toxic. It is not. I tell you what, as a mom, I want to raise my boy to be a strong man. I want him to be a strong father. And I want every man out there to know we love you, we need you, and we are supporting you. Let our men be men. We're going to win this election because we have the best ideas. The Democrats used to care about the middle class, who remembers those days way back when? They used to care about them. Somebody said, "I don't." Long time ago. Now they just cater to the political elites in [inaudible 02:03:53]. And Katie Hobbs is going to try to avoid debating me. She's going to let George Soros and Planned Parenthood run attack ads on me. She's going to sit in her basement and she's- Kari Lake: (02:04:03) ... attack ads on me. She's going to sit in her basement and she's going to hope that Arizona will vote for a socialist. We won't do it. We're not going to fall for it. Katie, they didn't fall for it in the primary. They're not going to fall for it in the general. Arizona knows me and they know that I will work hard to protect this state. That's why I'm in this. I'm not in it for the money. There's no money in being governor of Arizona. Let me tell you that right now. I'm not in it for the fame. I've already had that. It's overrated. I'm in it because I love Arizona. My time is running out. I just want to tell Arizonans, if you're listening, if you're a disillusioned Democrat, if you're an independent, and you're wondering who to vote for, look at our policies. We are going to get Arizona where we need to go. We agree, think about it, on 80% to 90% of the issues. We don't want to drag this state down anymore. It is time for you to join this party, this movement to save Arizona. Kari Lake: (02:05:08) Now, I just heard this. I heard it backstage. I heard it back ... actually, the first time, on Twitter. I heard this again today, and I love it. Someone said, "Kari, you're going to be the DeSantis of the West." And seriously, other than being called Trump in a dress, which is my favorite compliment of all ... You can call me Trump in a dress any day. Honestly, other than being called Trump in a dress, that is the greatest compliment you could pay me, and I appreciate that. And that means that you know when you elect me, you're going to get someone who fights for you every single day. We are going to be so effective in Arizona. I don't know if Governor DeSantis is still up there listening. Someday they might call Governor DeSantis the Lake of the East. But in all seriousness, just to be mentioned in the same sentence with President Trump who gave up so much to make America great, and to be mentioned in the same sentence with Governor Ron DeSantis is an absolute honor that I don't take lightly. Now, I want to wrap this up here, because I know we're waiting for the main event. We are united. Don't let these losers in the media try to drive a wedge between us. We are united as Republicans like we've never been united before. We are united to save our states, bring back state sovereignty. We are united to return the power to we, the people. And we are united to save this republic. So Arizona, this is our moment. America, this is our moment. Let's unite, and let's win, and let's save America. Thank you, Turning Point. Thank you, America. God bless you State 48. Charlie Kirk: (02:07:34) Isn't she the best? Audience: (02:07:34) Kari! Kari! Kari! Charlie Kirk: (02:07:55) Leadership is very hard to find. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Now I can tell you one of the reasons you're all here on Sunday evening is because you want to see the DeSantis of the West, Kari Lake, but also you want to see DeSantis, himself. So join me in welcoming Governor Ron DeSantis. Speaker 14: (02:08:18) Ron DeSantis has done a fantastic job throughout this crisis. It has terrified the left. Speaker 15: (02:08:22) Four bills were signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in just a month's time. Speaker 14: (02:08:26) Ron DeSantis has done a fantastic job, and the liberals, and the leftist media are now going to start attacking him like crazy. [inaudible 02:08:37] Ron DeSantis: (02:08:38) I know corporate media thinks that they can just run over people. You ain't running over this governor. I'm punching backing back. But let me tell you this. If you're trying to restrict people, restrict people, impose mandates, if you're trying to ruin their jobs, and their livelihoods, and their small business, if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way. I am standing for the people of Florida. ( singing). Ron DeSantis: (02:09:35) Hello, Arizona. Well, from the beaches of Florida to the deserts of Arizona, November 8th, 2022 is going to be the day that America fights back. We're going to be fighting back against Joe Biden's failed leadership. We're going to be fighting back against lockdown politicians all over this country who ruin people's lives, and we're going to be fighting back against a failed Congress, which will result in the retirement of Nancy Pelosi. And I really anticipate that the state of Florida will be the one to get the election wave off the ground. I think that wave will come across the country, and when it reaches Arizona, it's going to result in the people here sending Blake Masters to the US Senate, and it will result in electing Kari Lake as your next governor. And you all just had a primary. Florida's primary's coming up a couple weeks. I don't have a primary opponent, which is why I'm out here helping everybody else. But yeah, at a primary, these are important, tough races. But the important thing happens is you have those fights, and then when they're over, we all get on the same team, and we make sure we're united going against the Democrats. And so, I'd like to see that here in Arizona. I also think it's very important that every major Republican organization from the Governor's Association to the National Senatorial Committee, all of them need to be all in, in the state of Arizona for this election. Why? Because the stakes, unfortunately, in every election now just seem to be so high. Ron DeSantis: (02:11:57) I think back to a debate that the founding fathers actually had, and the debate was between Benjamin Rush, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. The debate was about what was the world's oldest profession? And Benjamin Rush was a doctor, so he said, "The world's oldest profession is the physician, because Eve was cut out of Adam's rib." Thomas Jefferson said, "Well ... " And Jefferson had designed Monticello, and he'd done a lot of other things. He said, "No, the world's oldest profession is the architect, because it was the architect that brought order out of all the chaos in the universe." And Benjamin Franklin said, "Well, you're both wrong. The world's oldest profession is the politician. Who do you think created the chaos in the first place?" Ron DeSantis: (02:12:45) And, I think about that, because if you look around this country, and you survey the damage and the destruction that's been done by leftist politicians in cities and states all around the country, the fact of the matter is when leftist government takes hold, society flounders, crime goes up. They release people back on the street. They don't prosecute. You have homeless, you have drugs, you have higher taxes. Everything you can think of, they destroy their communities. And it shouldn't be that way. I mean, I think back that when Kennedy was running against Nixon, if you watch those debates, you wouldn't even know who the Republican or the Democrat was. They basically both believed in the core values of our country, and they were having debates about how to apply those. Well now, we're in a situation where once areas go left, buckle your seatbelt, because it isn't going to be an easy ride. And I do not want to see that happen here in the state of Arizona. We can't let that happen. Ron DeSantis: (02:13:52) We have not let that happen in the state of Florida. And I'm proud to say, we have made it the free state of Florida. You had all these governors across the country, kept locking people down. We made sure to lift people up. We wanted to protect their freedoms, and jobs, and businesses, make sure kids could get an education, and not lock them out of the classroom. We led the fight against vax mandates, and vax passports. We were not going to let our state descend into some type of Faucian dystopia, where people's freedoms were curtailed, and their livelihoods were destroyed. No, we made sure that we protected people's rights. And you look what's happened around the country, how they've done things, like forced these shots on people in the military, and the private sector. In the state of Florida, we fought Biden on that. We called the special session of the legislature. And now, it's Florida law that nobody has to choose between a job they need, and a jab they don't want. And we were criticized for that at the time, because they said that, "Oh, this is something CDC wants to mandate." And I'm like, "What? I don't care. I'm going to do what's right." Ron DeSantis: (02:15:28) But now, CDC even has changed their guidance. And they're saying, "No difference in treatment between a vax and un-vax. And so, my question is, "If the CDC has finally come around to that, why is the military still kicking people out over the COVID shot?" They need to bring back on active duty anybody who wants to be back. Anybody who lost their job because of Biden's private sector mandate needs to get their job back. And if you have taken this because of a mandate, and you have been injured, you should be able to sue and get damages. Ron DeSantis: (02:16:16) And it's important that we're very clear on all these things because I look at who Kari's running against. I didn't realize, this Democrat is very woke. This is a very, very leftist Democrat. And here's the thing, they're going to be very quiet until November. But if you put them in power, they will restrict you. They will mandate you, and they may even lock you down again. That could absolutely happen. So, you cannot trust them with power, and you got to make sure you're electing people that respect your freedoms, and respect your rights. Ron DeSantis: (02:16:49) And I can tell you, what we did in Florida was really lead the nation in all these things. A lot of other states followed us, but we had to be the first one on all these major issues, and it's not easy. I tell you, when I was doing all this, they were hammering me every single day, "Oh, the beaches are open, businesses, restaurants. You have kids in school, all this other stuff." And it wasn't just local media. It was national, international, the left. A lot of establishment Republicans were criticizing me, too. But I looked at all that, and said, "I got elected to stand up for people. I can take the hits. I'm fine." My job is to protect the jobs of the people that I represent. And if standing for the right thing, standing for their rights, standing for their livelihood meant that it didn't work out for me politically, and then I lost my job, well then, so be it. That's the price of leadership. Ron DeSantis: (02:17:59) And I'm proud to say that the state of Florida has done very well over the last couple years. We have outpaced the nation on virtually every economic metric that you can think of, better jobs, better growth. Obviously, we have a lot of wealth moving into the state. If you compare how we run our budget to how the federal government runs theirs, or these blue states, there's no comparison. The state of Florida has 3 million more people than New York state. And yet, New York's budget is over twice the size of our budget. Yet, we have better services, better infrastructure, higher performing K through 12 schools, and the number one rated public university system in the country. And we do all of that with no state income tax. And even though we don't tax, just because we've been open, and free, and have attracted people, our budget year that just ended June 30th, the top line of the budget was $102 billion. Our surplus was $22 billion, the largest in the history of the state of Florida. Ron DeSantis: (02:19:25) And so, we have occupied this position. As blue states lockdown, as blue states engaged in bad policies, Florida was the Citadel of Freedom for people. We've seen in this country a massive exodus of people out of blue states, and into states like Arizona, Texas, but Florida being number one. The American Exodus has viewed Florida as the promise land. We've led the nation. And in migration over the last three years. We've had more wealth move into Florida than any state has ever seen in the history of the United States. But people will sometimes ask, "Okay, who are these people moving? Are they going to move from blue states, and then vote the same way, and then change Florida?" So, we've been a very competitive swing state for a long time. Ron DeSantis: (02:20:14) Now, we're used to people from the Northeast. We're used to people from the Midwest. I can tell you, someone born and raised in Florida, I never saw very many California license plates until recently. And a lot of Floridians were freaked out when they saw the California plates, because they didn't know what that meant. Well, I can tell you, fortunately, here's what it's meant. When I got elected governor in 2018, there were almost 300,000 more registered Democrats in the state of Florida than Republicans, and Republicans had never outnumbered Democrats in the history of the state until I took office. Today, We have 232,000 more Republicans than Democrats. Nobody has ever seen anything like that. Ron DeSantis: (02:21:05) And yes, it's because we were a free state. Yes, it's because we have a good economic climate. But I can tell you one of the main things people would tell me about why they wanted to come to Florida is because they saw Florida, and knew that we were a law and order state. And they were sick of the crime and a lot of the nonsense that you saw where these cities burnt down with the Floyd riots in 2020, where you have these prosecutors that will refuse to prosecute crimes, where governors will just put criminals back on the street. You can talk about economy. You can talk about all these other things that are important. If you don't have public safety, it all really unravels very quickly. In the state of Florida, when those riots were happening around the country, I called up the National Guard immediately. We were not going to let that happen in Florida. We made sure of that. We stand with folks who wear the uniform, and serve our state and our local governments, and were not going to indulge in some of the nonsense that you see around the country. Ron DeSantis: (02:22:09) In fact, shortly after the Floyd riots, I proposed in the legislature, signed a bill to prevent all local governments in Florida from defunding the police. We're not going to let it happen. We also signed legislation that said, "We're not going to be in Florida, like they are in Portland, where these people will riot, they'll loot, they'll do all these things. They get brought in, arrested. They get their mug shot taken, a slap on the wrist. And then, they get put right back on the street to do it all over again." No, in Florida, if you riot, if you loot, if you're engaged in mob violence, you're not getting a slap on the wrist. You're getting the inside of a jail cell. Ron DeSantis: (02:22:58) And because we've seen the destruction that has happened across this country with Soros-backed prosecutors refusing to enforce the law, refusing to hold criminals accountable, and indeed, giving them a license to commit a whole host of crimes. I asked my office to make sure everyone in Florida ... We have 20 elected prosecutors who are living up to their oath of office, and we found one that was not. We found one that thought he was above the law, that he did not have to faithfully enforce laws he didn't like. Well, we removed him from office. We are not going to let some prosecutor be a law unto himself. That is not the way this system works. And if you don't like the law, you can run for the legislature, and you can try to change the law, but you don't ignore the law. I'm excited about the governor's race here because we need to see more action on the Southern border. And we know that Joe Biden has completely abdicated his responsibility. You know, he took an oath to take care that the laws of this country are faithfully executed. And when he opened that border in January of 2021, he violated his oath of office. He is not upholding the Constitution. And so, we're in a situation where this is a problem, not just for Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Obviously, that's where it's the most significant. But if you look around our country now, the number one cause of death for people 18 to 45 is overdose from fentanyl. Where is the fentanyl getting into our country? It's coming right across the border, virtually unimpeded. We've also seen record human trafficking, record sex trafficking. This has been an absolute disaster, because of Biden. Ron DeSantis: (02:25:05) And what I've told Kari Lake, I said, "Look, if you're willing to put people on that border, and keep them from coming in to begin with, I'll send National Guard to help with that." You know, you can't say that, "Oh, the immigration is just the federal government's job." Okay, if they did the job. But this is the law, they're not enforcing it. And they're trying to say that states can't do anything to defend their people. So, I think she's got a good plan at the border. We will absolutely be offering help. I did help in Texas, but they were coming across before they were caught, and then, they just get released anyways. But I will tell you this, these cities, New York and DC, they don't like when the red states send the illegals to them. I hope, if the Republicans take control of the Congress, that they will do something to hold Biden and Mayorkas accountable for what they've done at the border. But Florida is all in to help. Ron DeSantis: (02:26:32) Florida is also proud to have led the efforts to ensure election integrity in our state. When I became governor, we had some problems in my election, and we came in, and I said, "You know what? I'm sick of these botched elections in Florida." So, one of the first things I did was accept the resignation of Brenda Snipes as the supervisor of Broward County. We removed the Palm Beach supervisor. And then, when COVID hit, we never changed the rules in the middle of the game, like these other states did. We followed the law, and we ended up counting 99% of the votes by midnight on election night. I don't understand why it takes a week to count the votes. Well, actually I do, because I think people are doing that intentionally. Ron DeSantis: (02:27:23) But here's the thing. People actually would look at Florida after that. They said, "Man, why can't other states be like Florida?" I can tell you. They never used to say that when it came to elections in Florida. So we were proud of that. But at the same time, I believe leadership is doing things so that you don't end up in a crisis situation. So I knew that there was things we could do much better. And so, since the 2020 election, I've signed legislation making ballot harvesting a felony in the state of Florida. We're not going to let these political operatives have a satchel of votes, and just dump them off somewhere. That's not the way you do a credible election. So, that's done. That is not going to happen in Florida. We also impose penalties on counties for not cleaning their voter rolls. They need to clean their voter rolls every year. We've always had voter ID when you go in and vote in an election, but we've had absentee ballot requests, where people can request it. We now have an ID requirement if you want to request an absentee ballot. Ron DeSantis: (02:28:39) And then maybe most importantly, we banned Zuckerbucks in the state of Florida. Zuckerberg poured $400 million into these, "Non-profit groups." And honestly, I mean, no one had really thought of this. It was very crafty what they did. But basically, what they would do is they wouldn't just run TV ads saying, "Vote for this person." No, they would go to the local election offices. They'd give him a bunch of money on the condition that those offices basically let them run the actual election. So you have political partisan operatives in these election offices in key areas. They would ballot harvest. They would do mass mail balloting. They would do all these things. So, he basically hijacked the actual machinery of the election, and that is corrupt as hell. And we're not going to allow that in the state of Florida. We're not going to let our elections be run by some oligarch in Silicon Valley. Every state needs to ban Zuckerbucks, and they need to do it very quickly. Ron DeSantis: (02:29:50) We've also led in the state of Florida on drawing a very bright line in the sand that says, "The purpose of our school system is to educate our kids, not to indoctrinate our kids." We've enacted a Parent's Bill of Rights that recognizes that parents have a fundamental role in the education and upbringing of their kids. School systems and individual schools are important parts of the community, but they do not supersede the rights of the parents. Parents have a right to know what's being taught in the schools, and we've enacted legislation in Florida to make sure that right is vindicated where they have full curriculum transparency. We have banned ideologies like Critical Race Theory from our K through 12 schools. We are not going to spend taxpayer dollars teaching our kids to hate our country or to hate each other. Ron DeSantis: (02:30:59) We're also not going to let the left manipulate history by trying to act like the American Revolution was about things that it wasn't, and doing that to try to suit a modern ideological agenda. We're going to teach real history. We're going to make sure people know the basics. And we've also put a renewed emphasis on American Civics, because I think it's important that we graduate kids that know what it means to be an American, that understand our Constitution, that know that our rights come from God, not from government, that understands we have a Bill of Rights, how those rights have operated, the fights that we've had through our history, from the Civil War, to World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Cold War. You need to have a good head on your shoulders when you go out to exercise the duty of citizenry. And part of that means they need to understand what makes America different from some of the other systems. Ron DeSantis: (02:32:00) And so, I signed legislation last year that designates November 7th as a remembrance day for the victims of communism. And what we're going to do during that day ... And what we've done is, during that day, we've required every school in the state of Florida to teach students about the hundred million plus people that died at these communist regimes in the 20th century alone. They need to know the evils of communism, because we thought it was dead with the Cold War. The left wants it back. You see it all around the world, unfortunately. So, we're leading on that. And it's something that's very important. Ron DeSantis: (02:32:46) We also believe, and look, I have a five, a four, and a two-year-old at home that my wife and I work very hard to keep after, and they give us our money's worth. But I think parents in this country have a right to send their kid to school, to let them watch cartoons, just to be kids without having some agenda shoved down their throats. You should not have kids in elementary school having lessons on gender ideology. You do not take a six-year-old boy, and tell him he may actually be a girl. That is wrong, and that is illegal in the state of Florida because of our efforts. Not everybody liked that. The media didn't like it. There's a company with a pretty big foothold in Central Florida that didn't like it. And a lot of people said when this was going on, because of all that opposition that somehow I was not going to be able to withstand that. Well, I got news for them. I took an oath to support, and defend the people the state of Florida. I did not take an oath to subcontract out my leadership to a California based corporation with close ties to the CCP. We run the state of Florida, not them. Ron DeSantis: (02:34:20) And look, these companies that go woke, I mean, they have a right to take positions. Although, I think it's really bad business when they do this, when they go woke, I don't think they're representing their shareholders. But fine, you do it. You can take these positions. But when you take positions that you're going to repeal parents' rights, that you're going to go after these very young kids in the state of Florida, you do not have a right to force my citizens to subsidize that behavior. And the fact of the matter is, if you look at Florida, since the 1960s, Disney has gotten more subsidies than any company in the history of our state. They've had their own government since the 1960s. What corporation gets their own government? They've been exempt from ... Ron DeSantis: (02:35:04) ... is what corporation gets their own government? They've been exempt from major, major laws in the state of Florida and they've gotten massive tax breaks. And so what we said was, "If you're going to go down that road of being against parents' rights of wanting sexuality in the elementary schools, we are not going to have a relationship with you where you get this type of treatment." And so we took action. And because we did, Disney is not going to have its own government anymore. Disney is going to live under the same laws as everybody else. And Disney is going to pay its fair share of taxes. Ron DeSantis: (02:35:47) But it's important that we just use common sense on some of this stuff. And we're seeing some stuff going on in our society that's really, really troubling. Unfortunately, the woke mind virus has infected a lot of institutions in our country, including unfortunately, the medical profession. So we're now battling in Florida the medical establishment, because they think it's appropriate to perform sex change operations on minors. Ron DeSantis: (02:36:20) A 14-year-old kid cannot even get a tattoo on their own, yet you're going to say go in and you could cut off their private parts? That is wrong. And so we've put a stop to it in the state of Florida. We're fighting back against it. Ron DeSantis: (02:36:37) And I just hope that the people have gone through these really brutal procedures as they get older, this is going to be something that they're going to regret. Those physicians should be sued for the harm that they have caused these kids. So just know when they say it's gender affirming care, what they're talking about are chemicals that block puberty. They're talking about mastectomies. They're talking about really grot test things further down. And so that's what's happening. And they want to use a euphemism to try to act like it's just normal medical care. It is not normal medical care. And until five minutes ago, nobody would've thought that this was appropriate for these young kids. In Florida, we're putting a stop to it. We also are leading an education beyond just K-12. And so we believe that these universities should be about academic excellence, not about imposing an ideology on their students. So one of the reforms that we just enacted is in the State of Florida at all our state universities, all tenured professors are required to undergo review every five years and they can be let go if they're not doing the job. Ron DeSantis: (02:38:07) So Florida has led the way fighting back against Biden. And I think we've demonstrated the need to have strong governors across the country to be able to push back of what's going on in Washington DC. And I know Carrie Lake will push back against Biden and that's very important. I know Blake Masters in the Senate is going to give Biden a lot of problems, which is what we need. Ron DeSantis: (02:38:38) If you think Biden. I mean, how many times did he test positive for COVID? I mean, he's getting booster shots it seems like every month. I did say like when it first happened that from the State of Florida, we wish him a speedy recovery from COVID, we just hope that the United States has a speedy recovery from Biden. But he kept testing positive and I'm like, "Hopefully it's not like long COVID what they talk about." Hopefully, the United States doesn't have a case of long Biden because we've had just about enough of what we can handle. Ron DeSantis: (02:39:12) But I think about Biden and I think about what he's doing and kind of his lack of leadership. Yeah, you think of some of these other presidents. Think like John Kennedy. What do you think? You think ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. If you think about President Reagan, you think about Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall. When I think of Biden, I think of him staring into the teleprompter like a deer in a headlights reading. End of quote, repeat the line. Ron DeSantis: (02:39:50) It's sad, but it's true. And the problem with Biden is if you look at the problems we have in our country, the inflation, the energy, a whole host of issues, these are problems that have either been created or exacerbated by his policies. Carter was a better president than Biden has been. I'm sorry. A lot of problems Carter had were dumped on him. He didn't handle them well. Biden is creating a lot of problems. He was warned that if they spent trillions and trillions of dollars, if they borrowed all this money, that that was going to fuel inflation. Ron DeSantis: (02:40:29) It wasn't just people like me saying that, obviously, he's not going to listen to me. These were economists that work for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. They said, "Don't do it." He went and did it and the results are, we have the worst inflation we've seen in four decades. He came into office and immediately waged a war on American energy. Of course, you're going to pay more. And the reason it's gone down lately is not because there's more supply, it's because the demand's gone down, because it was so expensive people were cutting back on usage. Ron DeSantis: (02:40:57) So we'll see what happens going forward. But his view is he doesn't want a robust oil and gas sector here, but he's willing to go beg the Saudis or Venezuela. I guess our oil is global warming, but their oil is not. I mean, give me a break. And here's the thing. Yes, it pinches us economically because people pay more at the pump. It affects everything in the economy. It's also a matter of national security. We need to be energy independent in this country. We should not have to beg anybody else. We have the resources. Ron DeSantis: (02:41:36) And I can tell you as the governor of a state that has hurricanes from time to time, you have a hurricane that rolls through. Obviously, you want to protect anybody who may have suffered a direct impact, but after that initial fog happens, the initial recovery or rescue, if that's necessary, the main thing is the utilities got to get the power back on. And if you can do that quickly, it's so much easier to manage. Ron DeSantis: (02:42:00) Well, I want these utilities to have oil and gas. They're not going to do it based on windmills or solar. We have a lot of solar in Florida. It's fine, but it's not dependable enough to get people's power back on when you have these circumstances. So he is weakening our country and he's making it more difficult for us to do what we need to do. And the thing is your Senator here votes with Biden almost every time. He never opposes Biden on anything major. Ron DeSantis: (02:42:28) Basically, if Biden tells him to do it, then he does it. And that's not really what the people of Arizona want. I also look in Washington and see somebody like Nancy Pelosi. You look at what she does. Members of Congress should not be able to make a fortune in the stock market. This is not on the level. I'm sorry, but I think of Nancy Pelosi and it's the best advertisement I can think of for something that I think is long overdue. And that is we need term limits for members of Congress. Ron DeSantis: (02:43:09) If we had had term limits, she would've been gone 30 years ago. So what does she do? She passes the Inflation Reduction Act. Her and Chuck Schumer. And what does this bill do? It has nothing to do with reducing inflation. In fact, it's probably going to increase inflation. But it's spending a lot of money. It's hiring 87,000 IRS agents. And what are those IRS agents going to do? They are going to be sick on people the government doesn't like. They are going to be sicked on working people, contractors, restaurant owners, people that drive Ubers. Ron DeSantis: (02:43:50) They're not going after the billionaires. You know why? The billionaires all have accountants and lawyers and everything. They know how to get around the tax code. They're going to go after working people and they're going to end up ruining a lot of people's lives. They're going to end up ruining their businesses and their jobs. The money that they do extract out of them, they're going to give it to wealthy people for vehicle credits. Ron DeSantis: (02:44:13) This is not good policy and it just shows you the contempt that they have for us that they would pass monstrosity and call it the Inflation Reduction Act. The real Inflation Reduction Act is when you replace your Senator with Blake Masters. And when we fire Nancy Pelosi, that's the real Inflation Reduction Act. Ron DeSantis: (02:44:39) So we've got a lot of work to do over the next few months. I can tell you the difference between what I've seen over the last few years and maybe what we saw even 10 years ago is the left is even more militant than they've ever been. They are playing for keeps. If you think about, if they had a couple more senators after this last election, what would they have done? They wanted to pack the US Supreme Court. They wanted to make DC a state so they get two extra Democrat senators. They wanted to abolish the electoral college and they wanted to create no voter ID and mandatory ballot harvesting all across the country, regardless of what states think. Ron DeSantis: (02:45:18) So say what you want about that agenda. I obviously don't think it's good and I'm sure you guys don't either, but that is not an agenda that's speaking to the average American family who's worried about the price of gas and food and all these other stuff. They're not sitting on the kitchen table talking to each other saying, "Oh man, I just wish we could abolish the electoral college." No families are doing that right now. That is an agenda that is trying to make the conservative part of the country second class citizens. They want to make sure that they can ensconce themselves in power and they will use that power to the detriment of people that think like us. You think about how they're trying to do it, not just through government, but through the private sector with concepts such as ESG. Ron DeSantis: (02:46:02) All ESG is, is using the economy to impose ideology on society. That's all it is. These are policies that they know they can't get at the ballot box, so they're hoping they can do through corporate America what they can't do through elections. In Florida, we're fighting back against it. We're issuing a rule in a couple weeks. No ESG in our state pension fund. And I hope Arizona does the same. We need all the red states to pull our stock voting rights for our pension so that we can push back on some of the nonsense. Ron DeSantis: (02:46:35) You also think about what's going to come down the pike. I think we're already seeing it. Tech is going to up its censorship game against conservatives between now and the election. Just understand that plan for it. Have a plan to get around it, but that is going to happen. You also look about corporate media and how dishonest they've become over the years. Ron DeSantis: (02:46:55) They always had a liberal bias, but now they don't care about facts and they just try to push their stupid phony narratives. So it doesn't matter what you actually do, it matters what some anonymous source says, so they can use that to launder their politics through their reporting. Ron DeSantis: (02:47:13) These people are not gatekeepers. Do not give them that authority. We do not give them that authority in Florida. We fight back when they're pushing false narratives. And I'll tell you, Kari Lake is going to fight back. She's not going to let it happen either. Now the federal government's been a major problem in a number of ways. So when Ronald Reagan came on the scene, he had a saying that the most terrifying words in the English language were, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." And what Reagan was pointing out was you had a lot of central planning that had run a muck over the years. You had progressives that put their faith into these bureaucracies who were distant from the people, who didn't know how the economy worked and were putting these clunky clumsy rules that were making it more difficult to succeed. Ron DeSantis: (02:48:05) They were making it more difficult for our economy. They were making it more difficult for business people. And that's a hundred percent true. It's still true today and you see it in a number of industries, including energy. But I think the difference between today and when Reagan was here is these agencies have now been weaponized to be used against people that the government doesn't like. Ron DeSantis: (02:48:25) And you look at the raid at Mar-a-Lago. I'm trying to remember, maybe someone here can remind me about when they did a search warrant at Hillary's house in Chappaqua when she had a rogue server and she was laundering classified information. I don't remember them doing that. I do remember them manufacturing a false conspiracy theory about Russia collusion. I remember that. That was not true. That was an abuse of power. I remember a lawyer for the FBI got caught doctoring an application for FISA surveillance against an innocent man. I remember the FBI at Merrick Garland's direction being sick on parents going to school board meetings. Ron DeSantis: (02:49:14) Meanwhile, when you have a law that protects Supreme Court justices, is the FBI out there protecting our conservative justices? No. When you have violations of law where people are targeting pregnancy crisis centers, are they doing their job and enforcing the law there? No. They're enforcing the law based on who they like and who they don't like. Ron DeSantis: (02:49:37) That is not a republic. Well, it may be it's a banana republic when that happens. So here's the thing. Why has this been able to happen? How could you get to the point where you have people being targeted based on whether they're for or against the current regime? It's because Congress lets these agencies get away with it. They put the government on autopilot with omnibus bills and continuing resolutions. The founding fathers knew that government would abuse power. They knew that executive agencies would abuse power and they gave in the Congress the authority to be able to bring those agencies to heal. Ron DeSantis: (02:50:18) So what I hope we see if Republicans take majorities is use the power that you have under the constitution to bring accountability to a bureaucracy that's totally off the rails. You can do it. It's not easy, but you can do it. Ron DeSantis: (02:50:39) So buckle up for them pulling out all the stops. They're going to do everything they can. I know they're going to do a lot of fake polls to try to demoralize you. CNN did a poll when I was running last time. They had me down 13 points. You're going to see that happen here. Just understand that's part of the game. Understand that we're going to be fed a blizzard of lies by the corporate press. They want people to take their eye off Biden's failures and they want to focus it on anything else that'll potentially save their bacon. You know that they are going to smear our candidates. You know they're going to smear even people that are getting involved in different priorities. Ron DeSantis: (02:51:16) Parents go to school board meetings, the media attacks the parent for speaking out. We know there's going to be a lot of smears. We know that they're going to do this. Here's the thing. When you speak the truth right now, you are going to face blowback. That's just the way it is. In times like these, yes, you got to be right on the issues. But honestly, a lot of this is just common sense. You look what Biden's doing. Just do the opposite. You look at what the woke left is doing. No, don't do that. Ron DeSantis: (02:51:44) So the positions are common sense and I think they're rooted in basic American values. And I think the other side has gone so far away from that it gives us the field to have really big majorities. But just being right on the issues in this day and age isn't going to be enough. You got to have courage. You got to be willing to stand in the fight and not give an inch when you're under fire. You got to have courage to stand up to things like cancel culture. You got to have courage to stand up to the corporate press. You have to have courage to stand in the way of the Brandon administration. Ron DeSantis: (02:52:22) And I think about the courage that's needed, and I think about the sacrifices that people make to get into this ticket. And it's not easy to do, and none of this is easy, but I also think about, you know what, there have been people that have done so much more for us since this country was founded than what we're being asked to do here by getting involved in these issues. Ron DeSantis: (02:52:44) I was a Congressman for a few years. I fully recovered from that experience. You fly to DC back and forth a lot. So you fly into DC and there was one route that the plane would take on the way to Reagan Airport where it would go parallel to the national mall. So if you looked out the left side of the plane, you could see sweeping views of all the monuments, the Lincoln Memorial, Washington. Ron DeSantis: (02:53:11) You could see MLK, Jefferson, all these things. And then you see a majestic view of the US capital building. And people look at that and they're like, "That represents the values that have made our country a unique experiment in human history. And you feel good about it. But after doing that trip a few times, I came to realize that the best monuments were not out the left side of the plane. Because if you looked out the right side of the plane, you would look across the Potomac River in the Northern Virginia. And the monuments they had there were much smaller. They were nondescript. They were not individually nearly as majestic as what you would see with the Washington monument of the Lincoln Memorial. They were covering rolling Hills in a place called Arlington National Cemetery. It's occurred to me over the years that as great as the values are that are represented by those monuments on our national mall, ultimately they would not amount to very much. If we haven't had people from the beginning of this country until the present who've been willing to strap on a uniform, stand their ground and give their life for this country. So these fights are about protecting us, our kids, our grandkids, but it's also about doing justice to those who have sacrificed, who've given the last full measure of devotion so that we could be free and it's not going to be easy, but we have no choice, but to fight. So put on the full armor of God, take a stand against the left schemes. Stand firm for what is right. You will face flaming arrows, but the shield of truth will protect you. Together, we will keep our states free and we will take this country back. God bless you guys. Thanks so much. Let's win in Arizona all the way. Charlie Kirk: (02:55:18) One more time for Governor DeSantis. We're going to take back Arizona, everybody. One last thing. Tonight, we didn't charge anyone to be here. So if you guys want to help pitch in, there'll be a QR code coming up on the screens. For those of you on the live stream, it goes to support Turning Point Action. We have grassroots full time staff all across the country to recruit conservative volunteers, do super Saturdays, knock on doors. Again, no pressure. If you're able to pitch in, we deeply appreciate it. We had to put this event together in five days and we didn't want to charge you. Charlie Kirk: (02:56:08) I know inflation is tough. Totally get it. But if you can help us out, we would really appreciate it. We're going to take back Arizona, everybody. God bless you guys. Have a great night.
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