Trump at Black History Month Event

Trump at Black History Month Event

Donald Trump participates in the White House Black History Month celebration. Read the transcript here.

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Conductor (01:14):

1-91. 1-91. [inaudible 00:01:15] 1, 2, 3.

Speaker 1 (01:22):

It's downtown. Let's go. Are you going to be there when I go get it?

That's his favorite song.

Speaker 2 (13:04):

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States and with the President is World Champion golfer, Mr. Tiger Woods.

Donald Trump (13:34):

Thank you very much. Thank you. Wow, this is some crowd. How are you? Thank you. This is some crowd. These are the best people, Tiger. And we have Adam Scott here, also winner of the Masters, one of the greatest golfers in the world. I've always tried to swing just like Adam. It never worked out that way. And Tiger, we know. And I just want to thank Adam and Tiger and the Commissioner of Golfers. Jay, thank you very much for being here. Jay Monahan, head of the PGA, and we've had some interesting discussions. But let me ask you, is there anybody like our Tiger? How are you? He's great. Would you want to just say a couple of words? He doesn't. He's much more comfortable. Tiger!

Tiger Woods (14:42):

Hey, it's an honor to be here. It's an honor to be here with you, Mr. President, and to be on the road here with all of you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Donald Trump (14:55):

You too. Go right over here. Thanks Tiger. And I want to thank all of you very much for being here. Welcome to the White House, and we proudly celebrate Black History Month. How are you, darling? Today we pay tribute to the generations of black legends, champions, warriors and Patriots who help drive our country forward to greatness. And you really are great people. What a great, nice group of… I have some people in front of me every once in a while with all the problems that are caused all over the world. They're not nice, but we're making them nice. I can tell you that. And we're making them nice rapidly. So we're pleased to be joined in this really beautiful afternoon at the White House by hundreds of incredible members of the African-American community, many of whom are making history themselves, including one of the greatest athletes of all time.

Who you just said hello, the man who matched Sam Snead's, number one record for the most PGA Tour wins ever. And a man who has 15 majors and he's got a long way to go too. I was with him a week ago. We played, I think Adam, I think he's got some left, doesn't he? Huh? He's got a couple of majors left, maybe more than that. But Tiger Woods, he's an incredible guy, an incredible athlete, incredible player. Thank you for being with us, Tiger. Thank you very much. And he got the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which he proudly wore today. And we have Senator Tim Scott here. What do you think, Tim? You never got the Presidential Medal? Maybe someday.

Tim Scott (16:37):

Maybe someday.

Donald Trump (16:39):

Maybe someday. You better believe it. And also Adam, thank you very much. Adam is, as Tiger will tell you, one of the greatest players and one of the great modern players. And he had 32 wins worldwide and winning the Masters also. And he's something very special and a great representative of golfers and athletes. Thank you very much, Adam. Even though he doesn't quite come from our country, he sort of does. He's here a lot. He comes from another nice place like Australia and they've been very good, very, very good to us. Jay, thank you very much. Appreciate it very much.

We also have the head of Pfizer here, so I want to thank him. One of the great, great people, one of the great businessmen. Thank you, Alfred. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I want to congratulate our newly sworn in Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Scott Turner. Come here. I've got to say hello. Come on up here, Scott. I had Tim Scott pushing him so hard. You have no idea. I had no choice. Is that right, Tim? No, Scott is, I've known him a long time. And Scott's a real champion. Say a couple of words, Scott, please.

Scott Turner (18:02):

Well, hello everyone. Is everybody happy to be here together? Is everybody happy to be here together? Well, first of all, I want to thank President Trump for his confidence in appointing me to this position. I consider it a great honor and a great blessing, and I thank God for this and I'm real humbled by it. And you can guarantee that every day that I'm going to lay it down for the people of America. And Senator Tim Scott, thank you for your leadership. I really appreciate you and for all of those who have gone before us, and those of you who have such a great voice today, keep on speaking, keep on preaching for not just black America, but for all America. So we appreciate you and my sister, Brooke Rollins and all of those here, Mr. President, we look forward to working you, sir, and carrying out this great agenda. We pray for you every day. God bless you and thank you. God bless America. Thank you for President Trump.

Donald Trump (19:06):

Congratulations. And I see we have a newly… I think you just got in right? They just confirmed you and you did it very nicely. Brooke Rollins, she's the Secretary of Agriculture. It's a big deal. That's great, Brooke. That was a good vote you had too, huh? She went through very easily, a little easier than some of our people, but they were all approved, every one of them. And today we just had Cash Patel approved, which is great. So Brooke, congratulations, secretary of Agriculture. That's big stuff, right? That's big. So you're going to do fantastically. And congratulations also to a really good friend of mine. He endorsed me early and he was one of the best surrogates you could have. The surrogate is when you walk around and go on television shows and they go try and beat you up. But he beat them up.

Donald Trump (20:00):

… there was, they didn't have a chance against Tim Scott, Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina and he's now the longest-serving Black United States senator in the history of our country. I don't know, that's pretty good. He's going to be around for a long time, right? He just got married. Congratulations on that too. It's beautiful. Beautiful wife.

Thanks as well to Congressman John James. Where's John James is here. Hi, John. How are you? It's a star, young star. I knew that five years ago, right John? I predicted it and I'm really proud to say that we now have more Black Republicans serving in the US House than at any time since 1870.

That's a long time, 1870. So thank you very much. And Scott, you're going to be fantastic. I'll tell you, you're going to do a great job.

As you know, the Americans are going to be celebrating something very important coming up, our 250th anniversary, our nation's founding. And when we do, we're going to look forward to honoring the contributions of countless Black Americans who fought to win and protect and expand American freedom from the very, very beginning.

Some of my good friends are here today and I appreciate you being. I'm not going to call out your names because Tiger will get very bored. He'll say, "This is a little boring."

Audience (21:23):

[inaudible 00:21:25].

Donald Trump (21:24):

"This is a little boring if we do that." But I want to thank you all for being here. You are our-

Audience (21:28):

Thank you.

Donald Trump (21:29):

… friends and we appreciate this. You McGee, you are my friend.

The last administration tried to reduce all of American history to a single year, 1619. But under our administration-

Audience (21:43):


Donald Trump (21:43):

… we honor the indispensable role Black Americans have always played in the immortal cause of another date, 1776. We like 1776. In the very first skirmish of the Revolutionary War at Lexington Green, an enslaved Black man named Prince Estabrook… You know Prince Estabrook? Yeah.

Audience (22:04):

[inaudible 00:22:06].

Donald Trump (22:06):

Answered history's call and fought as the minute man alongside the other patriots of the very small Massachusetts town, couldn't protect itself, but they did a good job.

Prince was wounded in the early morning battle, becoming not only the first African American soldier to fight in the revolution, but among the very first Americans to spill their blood. One of the first in the nation to spill blood in that very, very tough time.

Soon Estabrook joined the Continental Army and ultimately won his own freedom along with that of his fellow Americans. His legacy will endure and we're very proud to honor him today. It's a very important day in our country and we honor him.

First person to spill blood happened to be Tim Estabrook. Today I'm pleased to announce that we will be including the statue of Prince Estabrook in our new National Garden of American Heroes.

Have a, we're going to be doing a Garden of American heroes. And now that I think of it, I didn't have, I must tell you sadly, most of them, I guess all of them are not with us any longer. I was going to put Tiger in the garden, but maybe you don't want to be there. I maybe should wait a little bit, huh? About 50, I think I'm going to wait about 50 years, all right?

But Tiger's going to make it okay, but I'm a little afraid to tell him yes because he'd be the only one that's living. I don't know, Tiger. Tiger's rejecting that offer, right? Under the executive order I signed last month, this new beautiful outdoor statue park. It's going to be a statue park. It's going to be unbelievable.

We're picking the final sites now. It's between various states that want it very badly. We'll honor hundreds of our greatest Americans ever lived, including countless Black Americans, icons.

The garden will predominantly feature incredible women like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, and Coretta Scott King and I will showcase extraordinary… It will be something very extraordinary.

It's going to be producing, we are going to produce some of the most beautiful works of art in the form of a statue for men like Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Jackie Robinson, what a great athlete that was. Martin Luther King Junior, Muhammad Ali, he was not a bad athlete. What do you think? Muhammad, not too bad.

And the late Kobe Bryant. People love Kobe Bryant. And we're going to save Tiger Woods for another time. That's all that like, I'm sorry.

Audience (24:49):

Fuck that.

Donald Trump (24:51):

During Black History Month, we pay tribute to these heroes and to so many others not simply because they're Black heroes, but also because they are truly American heroes who inspire all of us very much so.

The theme of this year's celebration is African Americans and labor. And we want to thank all of the Black workers, construction workers, and every other worker, they do a job like nobody can do. And we want to just thank them very much for their contribution.

Tim, the contribution you've made, Tim, is incredible. Opportunity zone, so many people, so many. He's the father of opportunity zone. I'm just the son. He's the father because he came into the White House, the Oval Office with this idea, and it's probably the number one economic development project ever in our country. I want to give Senator Tim Scott the credit for it. Good job, Tim.

Of course, millions of Blacks were first brought here in slavery and they were kept in that evil condition for really, generations. But because of the steadfast faith and courage of so many patriots of all colors, we abolished that horrific institution, expanded civil rights and advanced America's destiny as one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

Just a few months ago, the people in this room and millions of other Black Americans played their own part in the American story when you went to the voting booths and restored a nice good, solid government. And there's a guy that really helped. There's a man that really helped. You really are great. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Audience (26:34):

Don't forget.

Donald Trump (26:35):

I don't forget.

Audience (26:36):

[inaudible 00:26:37].

Donald Trump (26:37):

I'm proud to say that we received, listen to this, more votes from Black Americans than any Republican president ever, not even close. Almost 40% of the vote. Now, I'm not… I won't be happy the next time. Should I run again? You tell me.

Audience (26:56):

Yeah. One more time.

Donald Trump (27:00):

There's your controversy right there. There's your controversy.

Audience (27:04):

Four more Black. Four more Black. Four more Black. Four more Black.

Donald Trump (27:04):

Thank you.

Audience (27:04):

Four years.

Donald Trump (27:15):

You'll be seeing that on, you're going to see that tonight, Tim, on television. I want to thank just a few of the people who are with us today, and these are great friends of ours. Alveda King. Alveda, where are you, Alveda? Hi, Alveda. Thank you. You've been with me from day one and I appreciate it. I won't forget it. She's a fantastic woman.

Alice Johnson. Where's Alice? Boy, are you incredible. I watched you on last night on television. You were so good. Alice was in prison for doing something that today probably wouldn't even be prosecuted. She spent 22 years in prison, 22 years. She had another 22 years left. Can you believe it? And I pardoned her and it was one of the best pardons, one of the best pardons.

Audience (28:02):

[inaudible 00:28:05].

Donald Trump (28:05):

You know what she was on? She happened to be on the wrong telephone line. Is that true? She was on a telephone call. And I'm not saying it was perfect, but it wasn't worth 40 or 50 years, Alice. You've been an inspiration to people and we're going to be listening to your recommendation on pardons.

You're going to go over and you're going to be, she's going to be my pardon czar. Okay? And you're going to find people just like you that should not, this should not have happened. It should not have happened. So you're going to look and you're going to make recommendations and I'll follow those recommendations, okay, for pardons, all right?

Alice Johnson (28:42):

All right.

Donald Trump (28:43):

Thank you very much. A man who's just incredible. This guy, I watched him on, I watched him when he was a Democrat and then one day he had a change because he couldn't take it any longer. Does anyone ever hear of, did anyone ever hear of a man named Leo 2.0 Terrell? Where are you? Get up here. Get up here.

I love this guy. You know what he's doing now? He's with the Department of Justice. He's in charge of civil rights and lots of other great things. He is going to be working with Pam. It's okay. Could he come up, please? Come on, Leo.

Audience (29:17):

Leo, Leo.

Donald Trump (29:19):

Get up here.

Audience (29:20):

Leo, Leo, Leo, [inaudible 00:29:24]-

Donald Trump (29:23):

Leo 2.0, this guy is great. Hello, man.

Leo Terrell (29:31):

You are the greatest guy, thank you.

Donald Trump (29:31):

Thank you. Thank you.

Leo Terrell (29:32):

I just want to say, we are in the presence of the greatest president of all time. He is the greatest president in our lifetime. I'll tell you right now, the Democratic Party should be a worried because they took us for granted. No longer. We vote in our best interest.

We want the same thing that every American wants. Good job, we want a secure border, we want to pay lower taxes, and Mr. President Donald

Leo Terrell (30:00):

Trump is doing that. Thank you, Mr. president.

Donald Trump (30:08):

He's a great guy. No, I watched him. He was a radical Democrat. He became a radical Republican, right? He's great. He's in the Department of Justice. Think of it. Doing very important work at highest level.

Also, Sage Steele. Sage, where are you? Hello, Sage. Great job. You do. You're doing great. Thank you very much, Sage for being here.

Michael, Harry O' Harris. Michael? Hi Michael. Thank you very much, Michael. Deontay Johnson. Deontay? Thank you, Deontay. Lynn Patton, she's worked for me for a long time. She's worked for us for a long time. Bob Woodson, where's Bob?

And we're also joined by seven-time Mr. Olympia. I want to see this guy, Phil Heath. Where's Phil? Phil Heath. I don't want to compare my muscles. Here he is. Thank you, Phil, very much. I appreciate it. Will you come up here for a second? Come on. Get up. I got to say, come on. You. From day one, right? From day one, he's been here. Get up. You got to say just a word. Don't fall. If you fall, it's all over. Tiger, you're not allowed to fall. You could make a great speech, but if you fall going up, that's no good. Come on.

Phil Heath (31:37):

Are you kidding me? Mr. President, it has been an honor of a lifetime to support you. To try to wake up as many people to the lies of the Democrat Party, and the nonstop manipulation of the mainstream media. That's why I now have my show on Newsmax so I can champion you. And I'm thankful that we've been able to champion him and get him across the finish lines for another amazing four years. And let me say, I know God has chose you. He anointed you for this position. He kept you alive so you could be here today. And we prayed for that. We prayed for you. We continue to pray for you and we're thankful for your service and your sacrifice. Mr. president Donald J. Trump, honor. God bless you.

Donald Trump (32:20):

Thank you. From day one. I like those guys from day one. Tiger's been there from day one too. Let me tell you, this guy is amazing.

In four weeks, our new administration has achieved more than most administrations achieve in four years. We brought our country back. It's four weeks. Today is our fourth week. The end of the week we start our… We are now starting our fifth, and I think we've done more in four weeks, well, certainly than the last administration did in four years. They actually went negative. They actually went in the wrong direction. Together we're going to be fighting long and hard for black Americans and all Americans. We're going to be fighting for all Americans. We've secured our border and we're stopping the invasion of our country. Our border right now is more secure than it's ever been. And we had the record four years ago. We had the record. We had the lowest number in history. And now the numbers, Tim, are even lower than they were then. And we're honored.

They were allowing people to come in from all over the world, from prisons and jails, mental institutions, insane asylums, gang members. They had drug dealers, they had everybody dropping in. And we had this ridiculous open border policy. They drop in. And I'll tell you, the people that were affected the most were black people. You were affected the most in terms of the crime, in terms of the drugs, and everything else. And we have the border shut down. We allow people to come in, we want people to come in, Tim, but we want them to come in legally. They're going to come through legally. So we're protecting American workers, including millions of black workers. And we have a thing called reciprocal tariffs.

If they charge us, we charge them. This is opening up. We just signed the bill and we're going to take in billions and billions of dollars. And we're making our country very healthy again and very rich again. We want to be very rich again. We've been taken advantage by everybody. And you've been watching DOGE where we found billions, tens of billions of dollars of fraud, and waste, and abuse, and that's just the beginning. And Elon Musk has done an amazing job. I have to tell you, him and his super geniuses, these are seriously high IQ people. And nobody's going to talk them out of anything. They go in and they're finding billions. I mean literally, tens of billions of dollars that we just started. And I think that's going to have a big, big impact for credit. So we want to just really say, and I have to say to you, I look at this turnout, I look at the love in the room. This is just love in the room.

I remember the first time I did this, my first administration, one of my first meetings, there wasn't this large a crowd, Tiger. We had about five people in the front. We had maybe five black people right in the front, right about there. I said, is anybody else coming? Is this it? Are we open? I don't even think Tim Scott, I know Turner wasn't there. I don't think Tim Scott was there either. I'm not sure.

But that's all changed. And we got the highest vote. And one of the big reasons I'm President today is because of the black vote. And I always appreciate it. So this is a very special time. It's Black History Month. We love you all. We're going to work with you. We're going to make America greater than ever before. We're going to do together. And I want to thank you all for being here. It's an incredible honor. And to my great golfing friends, I want to thank them in particular. They really are. They make a lot of money. They don't have to be up here with me. Tiger doesn't have to be here. Adam doesn't have to. They don't need this. But they love you and they love our country. Thank you all very much. Thank you.

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