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Anti-monarchy protesters hold signs in Westminster after arrests Transcript
Anti-monarchists staged peaceful protests outside the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, after police threatened a lawyer with arrest if he held up a sign reading ‘not my King.’ Read the transcript here.

Speaker 1: (00:01) Is any criminal offense being committed? No. Then why are you here bothering us? Speaker 6: (00:05) I'm sorry, you feel that I'm bothering you? Speaker 1: (00:06) You are. Speaker 3: (00:07) We have seen people being arrested, being threatened with arrest and I think it's completely appalling. Speaker 4: (00:12) I had one, two, three, four officers come around me, demand to see my sign, what's on the other side? What does it mean? Why am I here? Speaker 5: (00:30) Can you tell me what happened to you yesterday when you came to protest about the monarchy? Speaker 4: (00:35) I think everyone's seen the video of me in front of Parliament here, but on my way here, I passed Scotland Yard. And I was also challenged there and I said I just want to go there and stand with my sign to make the point that there's a very large number of people in this country that don't support the monarchy and our voices are being ignored. Speaker 1: (00:51) But I wrote not my king because of course I was told yesterday by the police that I wasn't allowed to write that and if I did I'd be arrested. And now it's great to be able to do that and to stand here peacefully expressing my opinion and exercising a very ancient British right that I think we're all entitled to. Speaker 6: (01:09) Do you know anything as in the time, has anybody... Speaker 1: (01:11) It's not great. Speaker 6: (01:12) No one's trying to catch anyone out... Speaker 1: (01:13) The police's statement last night where they said they were going to leave people peacefully expressing their opinions alone. Maybe you should just do that? Speaker 6: (01:20) If that's how you're feeling and you don't wish... Speaker 1: (01:24) Is any criminal offenses being committed? No. Well, why are you here bothering us? Speaker 6: (01:28) I'm sorry you feel that I'm bothering you. Speaker 1: (01:29) You are. Don't. Speaker 6: (01:29) How about yourself? Speaker 1: (01:37) Anyone here that want to speak? I've spoken no to the media. Speaker 3: (01:39) It's disgusting again how the kind of news of their family completely overtakes the news agenda and everything else that is affecting millions of regular people in this country is being swept under the carpet. We have royal family for multimillionaires and have a massive PR machine. And then we have regular people who will freeze this winter. And this is completely not being talked about.
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