What Does ‘Voicemail Transcription Not Available’ Mean? What Should You Do Next?

What Does ‘Voicemail Transcription Not Available’ Mean? What Should You Do Next?

Learn how to fix the "Voicemail Transcription Not Available" error and get your voicemails transcribed with Rev.

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iPhone’s automatic transcription of voicemails is extremely convenient for people who need readable records of their messages. But this AI-based service doesn’t always work well. The voicemail transcriptions can be inaccurate, incomplete, or missing altogether. It’s not uncommon to find the error message “transcript not available” when you access your visual voicemail. 

This can be because the phone is a older model, needs an iOS update, or is experiencing glitches. You can troubleshoot your voicemail transcription problems by resetting your network settings. But if your iPhone voicemail transcription still isn’t working, then you may need to get outside help to create text records of your messages.

Why are Voicemail Transcriptions Useful?

Voicemail transcriptions are handy for both personal and professional use.  Transcriptions can give you a visual reference for information given in voicemails, such as phone numbers, appointment times, instructions, and more. 

Here are just a few examples of situations in which having voicemail transcripts can be useful:

  • A construction manager receives a message from the plumbing contractor they hired. The message gives an update on their work, plan changes, and when they think they will finish their installation.
  • A law office gets voicemails from clients who are sharing important information about their cases.
  • A journalist reached out to a company for a comment on local news. The company’s owner responds via voicemail. 
  • A customer reaches out to a mechanic shop for a quote. They leave their name, phone number, and details about their car’s problem. 
  • Your family member is in the hospital, and you are receiving voicemail updates about their condition and procedures that need to be done. 
  • You are going through a divorce. Your lawyer advised you to document all interactions you have with your spouse.

These are just a few of the situations where having visual voicemails could be valuable. Once you have transcripts of your messages, you can more easily organize them and make hard copies. Instead of having to spend time re-listening to the voicemails, you can just get the information you need with a quick glance. 

Use Rev Voice Recorder to Transcribe iPhone Voicemails

We offer easy iPhone voicemail transcription services if you need them. All it takes is downloading the Rev Voice Recorder app in the Apple App Store. (Also available for Android)

To install the app, simply open the Apple App Store on your phone. Type “Rev Voice Recorder” into the search bar. Select the app from the results and click the “Get” button to download. 

You can use the Rev app to record and save any audio that you would like to order transcriptions for. However, for voicemails, you’ll need to import the audio files into the app before you can request a transcription.

  1. Go to your voicemail list, then select the voicemail you want to transcribe. 
  2. In the right hand corner of the message box, there will be a share icon with an arrow. 
  3. Click the share icon, then scroll down to Rev Voice Recorder in the list of apps you can send the audio file to. 
  4. Once you do this, the Rev app will open and show the voicemail in your list of recordings. From here, you can click “Transcribe” to order your transcription.
  5. You will have the option to add on extra services, such as adding timestamps and speaker names to your transcript.  Confirm to move on to payment. 
Voicemail screen on an iphone with the share button circled
Voicemail recording uploaded on the Rev platform
Checkout summary page for voicemail transcription on the Rev app

Get Your Voicemail Transcriptions Now

Our transcriptions are made by real people who are trained to capture what’s said in audio recordings with 99% accuracy. When you use the app to order transcriptions of your voicemails, you’ll receive the completed text within just 12 hours. Our service is one of the quickest and most affordable transcription solutions available.

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